Is Brainiac 5 related to Brainiac?
Brainiac 5 is a green-skinned, blond-haired teenage Coluan of the planet Colu, who claimed to be descended from the original Brainiac, one of Superman’s deadliest enemies. He wished to join the Legion as atonement for his great-great-grandfather’s misdeeds.
Why does brainy turn green?
As things grew dire with Emo Brainy, Earth-Prime Brainy realized it was necessary to remove the dots, regardless of whatever risk would follow. Nia helped remove the dots, and Brainy quickly transformed to green, and adopted a much more comfortable tone of voice.
What is a 7th level intellect?
1.4 3rd level intellect (Above Average) 1.5 4th level intellect (Gifted) 1.6 5th level intellect (Exceptionally Bright) 1.7 6th level intellect (Genius-Level Intellect) 1.8 7th level intellect (Super Intelligence)
Why is Brainiac 5 green now?
Supergirl’s Brainiac-5 just got a serious upgrade. In “The Bottle Episode,” the midseason premiere, he removed his personality inhibitors and underwent a significant transformation, which turned his skin green and gave him his signature purple-and-black costume from the comics.
How smart is a 12 level intellect?
A 12th level intellect is a term that was used to describe some of the smartest people in the universe. Metron claimed that only a 12th level intellect could have the slightest hope of solving the Anti-Life Equation and survive.
Who would win Ultron or Brainiac?
Wiz: *sigh* While Brainiac had the intelligence advantage, Ultron was more durable, and his power of technopathy took Brainiac by surprise. Boomstick: Only someone powerful enough to disband the Avengers could accomplish that. Ultron also had an advantage in that he wasn’t susceptible to Brainiac’s telekinesis.
Is Brainiac 5 a real person?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox) is a fictional superhero character who exists in the 30th and 31st centuries of the DC Universe. He is from the planet Colu and is a long-standing member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Who is Brainiac 5 in Final Crisis?
Cover to Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds #1 (2009). Brainiac 5 ( Querl Dox) is a fictional superhero character who exists in the 30th and 31st centuries of the DC Universe. He is from the planet Colu and is a long-standing member of the Legion of Super-Heroes .
Is there a DC version of Brainiac in the animated universe?
This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the DC Animated Universe and is an adaptation of Brainiac. The original character was created by Otto Binder and Al Plastino and first appeared in Action Comics #242.
What did Brainiac 5 invent in the comics?
Brainiac 5’s ingenuity led to the invention of, amongst other things, the Legion flight ring (perfecting an invention of the original Invisible Kid based on a metal discovered by Mon-El ), the anti-lead serum that allowed Mon-El to leave the Phantom Zone and the force field belt which became the signature device of the character.