Is Claire B harder than Leon A?
Claire B is not easier than Leon A, that’s objectively a false statement. You are not forced to face that many undodgeable enemies in Leon A, and you have enough ammo in short order, and you are not forced to fight super hard enemies in the first hour, or the invincible one.
How do you solve a Sherry block puzzle?
How to solve the Sherry block puzzle in the Orphanage. When you control Sherry, you have to escape the room you are being held in. To escape, pick up Stuffed Doll on chair, look in inventory and reverse, put the block in the corner and solve the puzzle.
Can you get to the generator room as Claire?
The Generator Room is a Leon-only location in Resident Evil 2, a place you’ll visit after exploring the Parking Garage and Morgue. If you’re playing as Claire, there is no way you can visit it, so don’t worry about trying to find access.
Can Claire get into the observation room?
How to Get to the Observation Room in Resident Evil 2. To get to the Observation Room as Leon or Claire, you’ll need to have progressed through the game a decent amount. Specifically, you need to have defeated G-Birkin’s first form in the basement and reach the parking garage.
Should I play Claire A or B first?
The good news is the both campaigns play out fairly similarly. The story won’t suffer from you picking either one first, so you can leave the choice largely down to character preference. That said, if you’re a newcomer to Resident Evil and want to make things easier on yourself, we recommend starting with Leon.
Is Claire’s story shorter than Leon’s?
Leon A and Claire A are the same length.
How do you open a Sherry door?
The gun camera that allows you to zoom in for the door code Sherry enters can see an emblem on a shelf in the same room. Use this opportunity to shoot it before moving on. Once he does, he can shaodw Sherry with the three cameras, one of which has a weapon attached (he should fire and kill the J’avo in the room).
What is the dial lock code in the control room?
Resident Evil 2 Control Room Locker Code solution Much later in the game is the Sewers Control Room Dial Locker Code solution, which is is SZF. Inside is more Magnum ammo for Leon.
Can you get the crank handle as Claire?
When you enter the room first a cutscene will start, and once the cutscene is over you should be able to find the crank sitting on the desk. As Claire though, you cannot find the square-handled crank.
How do I get a second electronic Claire?
Pick up the Small Gear and replace it with the Large Gear. Head back down the stairs and place the Small Gear in the machinery at the bottom. That will knock loose the Boxed Electronic Part. Open it for the second (and final) Power Panel Part.
What do you do in the dark room in Resident Evil 2?
Question: What is the Dark Room Sink used for in Resident Evil 2? Answer: The Dark Room sink is used to develop the camera films that can be found around the station. Once developed, you’ll be given a commemorative photo, which reveals the location of a hidden treasure within the station.
Is Claire A or Leon a canon?
Claire A/Leon B is the canon scenario, it was confirmed in later games, Darkside Chronicles to name one.
Is Claire easier than Leon?
Specifically, when Claire’s health is in the “Caution” status, she’ll actually run faster than her default speed. On top of this, Claire is already naturally faster than Leon. Not just that, she controls a bit more fluidly, turning with more ease than Leon. In general, she’s a “smoother” character to play as.
Why did Chief Irons kidnap Sherry?
He did kidnap and kill a girl to practice his taxidermy on her. Originally posted by Zorop: He did kidnap and kill a girl to practice his taxidermy on her.
How do you outrun Chief Irons?
Escaping Chief Irons Crouch by the drawer/chair/towel clump between the cribs and wait for Irons to walk into the room. Irons will topple the archway over and take an immediate left to circle the clump. Stay crouching and slowly circle the clump so Irons never catches sight of Sherry.
What is the combination code for Resident Evil 2?
Resident Evil 2: Remake safe codes 1st Floor, west office safe combination: left 9, right 15, left 7 (rewards hip pouch) 2nd Floor, east wing waiting room safe combination: left 6, right 2, left 11 (muzzle break for Leon, extended mag for Claire)
Can Leon get the heart Key?
The Heart Key is NOT AVAILABLE in Leon’s campaign (he gets the Club Key instead), and you cannot access Heart Key-locked locations on the map unless they also have another door for Leon to enter. The Heart Key is only available in Claire’s playthrough.
How do I get maiden medallion?
For the maiden medallion, you firstly need to make your way past the C4 in the west storage room. Once you’ve obtain the detonator and the battery from the STARS Office, you can go to the C4 and blow your way through it to reach the maiden statue.
How do you get the power panel parts in Resident Evil 2?
In the center of the room — in the same place as it was for Leon the first time through here — grab the Large Gear. Head to the southeast corner. Open the door there with the Heart Key. Grab the Combat Knife and the Boxed Electronic Part. Open the box for your first Power Panel Part.
How do you get the hip pouch in Resident Evil 2?
Claire B Resident Evil 2 The best codes to use are 203, which gives you a Hip Pouch, and 208 for some Flame Rounds. Other valid codes are 102, 103 (Combat Knife), 106 and 109 (Large-Caliber Ammo). Leave the Safety Deposit Room and go east into the Operations Room. Use the Heart Key on the door to the south and discard it.
How do I get back to Claire in the private collection?
Run down the winding passage and go through the door at the end. Events will take a turn for the unexpected and control will switch back to Claire. When you get control, leave the Private Collection Room, run through the Chief’s Office and back outside to the lift to the basement.
How do I play Claire Redfield 2nd run?
Choose “New Game [2nd Run]” / “Claire Redfield” from the main menu and select your chosen difficulty. After the cutscenes you will find yourself in a graveyard.