Is it possible to save both Kaidan and Ashley?
Thanks to the hard work of one modder, it’s now possible to save both Ashley and Kaidan in the remastered Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and keep ’em alive for the duration of the trilogy.
Who should survive Virmire?
Whoever you decide to rescue will survive Virmire and the other will die, so choose wisely. Once you have made your decision, you will not be able to physically get to the character you have chosen to sacrifice.
How do you keep Kaiden alive in Mass Effect 1?
There isn’t any option to keep both of them alive, although this was the original intent of Bioware as they included a third option of being able to do so, but it was scrapped in the process of finalizing the game.
Does it matter who you send with the Salarians on Virmire?
As you explore the base on Virmire, you’ll have to send either Ashley or Kaiden to work with some Salarians led by Captain Kirrahe. This choice doesn’t matter too much, but if one of them is a core member of your squad, gameplay-wise, do not send them, as you won’t be able to bring them with you.
Who is better to save Kaidan or Ashley?
Kaiden may be the stronger choice, but Ashley isn’t without her merits. Those who are looking for more character development and growth would be better off saving Ashley, especially if Shepard is romancing her. By the time of Mass Effect 3, Ashley has undergone a modicum of personal growth.
Who should you send Kaidan or Ashley?
So from the prospect of gameplay Kaidan might looks a better fit but from the point of romance, Ashley will fit more. Pick whoever you want to pick, both will fit well perfectly in your squad and won’t become a burden later on in the series.
How much Paragon do you need to save Wrex?
The most obvious way to get Wrex to stand down on Virmire in Mass Effect is to use the Charm or Intimidate dialogue options. To do this, Shepard needs to have a high Paragon or Renegade score and at least 8 points in either the Charm or Intimidate skill.
Should I sacrifice Kaidan or Ashley?
Should I go to Virmire immediately?
Virmire should be saved for last, and players shouldn’t travel there until after they’ve completed both Feros and Noveria (though the planet is available to travel to much earlier on).
Should I take Wrex to Virmire?
If you’re a monster that wants to let Wrex die instead well, fortunately, this is a lot easier to achieve. During the confrontation with Wrex on Virmire you can simply signal Ashley to take the shot on Wrex, which will kill him. Or you can take the shot yourself when prompted.
What happens if I save Ashley or Kaiden?
Both characters will survive until the end of the mission; however, in the final moments, both teams get overrun and Shepard has to make the very black and white choice of either saving Ashley or Kaidan. The game is very clear that saving both isn’t an option.
Can you save Ashley and Kaiden in Mass Effect 1?
It was revealed that there was apparently a third possible option planned to let the player save both Kaiden and Ashley in Mass Effect 1, but BioWare cut that out of the game, forcing players to choose between the two of them. Who Goes With Kirrahe?
What happens if you sacrifice Ashley and Kaidan in one piece?
No More Romance: If you were romancing either Kaidan or Ashley and then choose to sacrifice them, naturally this will end the romance or any possible future romances.
Should I rescue or kill Virmire?
Whoever you decide to rescue will survive Virmire and the other will die, so choose wisely. Once you have made your decision, you will not be able to physically get to the character you have chosen to sacrifice.
What If Kaidan becomes a permanent squadmate?
If Kaidan becomes a permanent squadmate, he can be romanced by a male Shepard as well as a female Shepard this time. Well, I think we all saw that coming. FFXIV Discord lurker and Majima stan.