Is Lathyrus invasive?
Lathyrus odoratus is noted to be invasive in New Zealand and possibly in the Dominican Republic (CABI). This species has naturalized in California but no information was available about it being invasive.
Is Lathyrus a climber?
Award-winner Lathyrus latifolius, commonly known as Everlasting Pea or Perennial Sweet Pea is a vigorous climbing perennial that produces racemes of 5-11 vibrant rose to white pea-like flowers, 1 in. across (2.5 cm).
Are sweet peas invasive?
Annual or Perennial In many areas of North America, the perennial sweet pea (L. latifolius) is an invasive problem, clogging open fields and roadsides. It looks pretty until you realize it’s crowding out other plants and acting like a thug.
Is Lathyrus an evergreen?
Ever popular, this plant is smothered in showy clusters of pure white, sweet pea-like flowers from June to September among grey-green leaves. A vigorous, perennial climber, it looks lovely scrambling over a sunny wall or through a hedge or evergreen shrub, although initially it needs to be tied into supports.
Does sweet pea come back every year?
Most sweet pea varieties are annuals. Perennial sweet peas: Perennial sweet peas come back year after year. You do not need to replant them after the growing season ends, and they will continue to grow for a longer period of time.
Do I cut back everlasting sweet peas?
The everlasting pea is vigorous and grows easily. It will flower all summer long, but to get it to do this dead heading is essential. Remove all spent flowers and seed head so that the shrub keeps producing more flowers. It is deciduous and should be cut back to ground level in the autumn.
Is Everlasting Pea edible?
Lathyrus Latifolius Seeds May Trigger Trouble Gardenia warns that they are not edible and that acute ingestion may cause mild stomach upset. Missouri Botanical Garden and North Carolina State Extension agree that the seeds are toxic, with the university adding that only if large quantities are consumed.
Do I need a trellis for sweet peas?
Because Sweet Peas are vining, they need support to grow up and flower. Many types of structures can work such as a trellis, supports with mesh or twine, or fences. They need a structure that is well anchored in the ground to support the weight of the vines.
How long do sweet pea plants last?
There are annual and perennial types of sweet pea flowers. The annuals, Lathyrus odoratus, are usually highly fragrant climbers that last for one season and have to be sown fresh every year. The perennial or ‘everlasting’ types, Lathyrus latifolius, come back every spring, but most have little to no scent.
What month do you plant sweet peas?
when to plant sweet peas. Sow sweet pea seeds between October and April. For best results aim for late October/November or late February/March as temperatures and light levels are less than ideal in midwinter. Sweet peas can also be sown direct into the ground in April or May.
What do you do with sweet peas in the winter?
Cutting back. Cut perennial Lathyrus back to ground level in autumn or, preferably, leave the cutting back until February so the dead stems provide cover for wildlife in winter. Simply pull out and compost annual sweet peas once flowering has finished at the end of summer.
What do you do with sweet peas at the end of the season?
Cut down your sweet peas when they finish flowering, but leave the roots in the ground as they have little nodules on them which will add nitrogen to your soil.
What part of sweet pea is poisonous?
The seeds of sweet peas are mildly poisonous, containing lathyrogens that, if ingested, in large quantities can cause a condition called Lathyrus. Symptoms of Lathyrus are paralysis, labored breathing, and convulsions.
Which peas are poisonous?
Although garden peas, (Pisum sativum) such as English peas, edible podded peas and snow peas are edible, sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) are poisonous – especially the flowers and seeds.
Do slugs eat sweet peas?
Hostas, delphiniums, dahlias, gerberas, sweet peas and tulips are regularly attacked by slugs, and it can be difficult to grow these plants if you have a big slug problem. In the vegetable garden peas, beans, lettuce, celery and potato tubers are often damaged.