Is Neptune a water meter?
Long trusted by thousands of utilities across North America, Neptune T-10® water meters are time-proven for accuracy and dependability even at low flow rates and provide a wide effective flow range for maximum revenue.
How do I read my Neptune digital water meter?
To read a Neptune E-Coder water meter: Shine a flashlight on the photoelectric eye (look for the flashlight symbol) to activate the screen. The screen eventually will begin to flash between “Reading” and “Rate”.
What do the numbers on my water meter mean?
What do the numbers mean? Numbers in the black boxes show the amount of cubic metres of water you have used. You are charged for every cubic metre, so you only need to record the numbers in the black boxes. The numbers in the red boxes record tenths and hundredths of a cubic metre. When to read your meter.
How does Neptune Water Meter work?
A water meter is a device that records water consumption. Your water meter is connected to a transmitter, which takes consumption information and sends (transmits) it to a remote reading device that collects this data. This information is then used for billing purposes.
Where are Neptune water meters made?
Tallassee, Alabama
Founded in 1892 as the Neptune Meter Company, the company began manufacturing quality water meters in Long Island City, New York. In 1972 Neptune moved to its current location in Tallassee, Alabama where today all Neptune meters and automated meter reading systems are designed and manufactured.
How does Neptune water meter work?
What do the numbers mean on water meter?
How many digits is a water meter reading?
The display has five black digits on a white background and records the volume of water used in cubic metres. One cubic metre equals 1,000 litres.
What do the dials on my water meter mean?
On the meter face there are two sets of numbers, black on the left and red on the right. The black numbers show the number of cubic metres used, while the red ones and the dials show litres. When submitting a meter reading, only read the black numbers and ignore the red numbers (one cubic metre = 1,000 litres).
Who invented the Trident water meter?
Its original product, the Trident water meter, was based on designs patented by John Thomson, a prolific inventor and member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Neptune boasted in 1903 that “Nearly 165,000 Tridents” were then in use. Ref: Neptune Meter Company, The Trident Water Meter (New York, 1895, 1901, 1903).
When was the Neptune water meter invented?
The firm was founded in 1892. Its original product, the Trident water meter, was based on designs patented by John Thomson, a prolific inventor and member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Neptune boasted in 1903 that “Nearly 165,000 Tridents” were then in use.
What is a water meter?
Because water meters are a utility’s cash registers, the solution begins with measurement integrity at each water meter. Residential water meters are lead free and the measure of water efficiency.
Why choose a lead free water meter?
Because water meters are a utility’s cash registers, the solution begins with measurement integrity at each water meter. Residential water meters are lead free and the measure of water efficiency. Get maximum results from your largest-revenue water meters.