Is the Hanson buck still the world record?
It has been years since Milo harvested his deer and the Hanson buck is still the world record typical white-tailed buck.
What is the highest scored whitetail buck?
This buck is known as the Missouri Monarch. A mature Missouri buck that showcased some serious head gear that totaled up to a staggering 333 7/8 inches, making it the largest scored whitetail ever. The B&C world record was found by a hunter in St. Louis County, Missouri, back in 1981.
Do the Benoit brothers still hunt?
He’s never hunted private land, and his average weight on public land is an impressive 239 pounds. He credits it to advance legwork. “Last year, scouting, I ended up 85 miles away from camp, but we got some monster bucks,” Lanny says. He covers wide swaths of land looking for the right track to pursue.
What is the world record for deer hunting?
In 1986 a panel awarded the amazing Hole in the Horn a net Boone and Crockett mark of 328²/₈ inches, just 5 inches shy of another huge non-typical buck found dead in Missouri, in 1981—the current world record, with a score of 333⅞ inches, officially entered in 1983.
Who owns the Milo Hanson buck?
Boone and Crockett is a nonprofit organization. The only one making money from the Hanson buck is Milo Hanson. Even then, the money isn’t as much as you’d think. Hanson told Outdoor Life in 2008 that he made $600,000 in 10 years off the deer.
What rifle did Larry Benoit use?
Remington Model 7600
In addition to his trademark green-and-black-checked hunting jacket, Benoit romanticized snow-tracking with his traditional Remington Model 7600 . 30-06 pump, a rifle that he made famous. Thousands of hunters bought that rifle because that’s what Benoit used. In 1999, Remington produced the Larry Benoit Commemorative .
Where is Larry Benoit from?
East Berkshire, Vt.
Lanyard Everett Benoit was born on Sept. 24, 1924, in East Berkshire, Vt., to Leo Benoit and the former Irene Lawrence. His father was a blacksmith and made the hunting knives his son used growing up. (That was another skill Mr.
Where was the biggest whitetail buck killed?
The current record for the largest typical rack belongs to a deer shot in Saskatchewan, Canada by Milo N. Hanson in 1993. Totaling 213 5/8 points, this largely symmetrical, 14-point rack is impressive to behold. This deer took first place from a 10-point Wisconsin buck, shot by James Jordan.
What are the odds of killing a 200 inch deer?
How rare is a 200-inch buck? If we’re talking a net 200-incher, you can take heart in the fact that your odds of killing one are better than one in a million.
Are antlers worth money?
Most antlers are worth just a few bucks per pound, and unless you have a trophy-sized rack, don’t expect to rake in the big bucks anytime soon.
Where did Larry Benoit live?
Larry Benoit passed away peacefully Oct. 8 in the comfort of his home and family in Duxbury, Vermont. He was 89.