Is there anything in New Mauville?
New Mauville is a small facility in central Hoenn. It can be reached by surfing along the northeast side of Route 110. The door inside the building will not open until you get access from Wattson in Mauville Hills. This will happen after dealing with the Ancient Pokemon in the Cave of Origin.
How do you get past Mauville City in Pokemon Ruby?
Go east from the entrance and walk behind the fence to reach the hidden X Speed. Go into the house north of there and talk to the guy at the table to get HM06 Rock Smash. After you get the Gym Badge from Mauville Gym, you will be able to use Rock Smash outside of battle.
Where is Wattson in Mauville?
At the north end of the gym, you find Wattson. In Ruby and Sapphire, he has a level 22 Magnemite, a level 20 Voltorb, and a level 23 Magneton.
What’s in Sea Mauville?
Sea Mauville includes both the decrepit platform itself as well as the water area and sandbar outside of the facility; the northern exterior can only be accessed by travelling underwater inside the platform using Dive. Sea Mauville takes the place of the Abandoned Ship from Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
Where is Wattson Emerald?
Wattson. At the north end of the gym, you find Wattson. In Ruby and Sapphire, he has a level 22 Magnemite, a level 20 Voltorb, and a level 23 Magneton. In Emerald, he has a level 20 Voltorb, a level 22 Magneton, a level 20 Electrike, and a level 24 Manectric.
Is Wattson the 3rd Gym Leader?
Wattson is the third Gym Leader of Mauville City in the Hoenn region who specializes with Electric types. He will award the player character the Dynamo Badge once defeated.
Is Wattson French?
The 10th Apex Legend is set to be Wattson – a lady with a French accent, good grades and a serious obsession with electric fences.
What legendary is at Sea Mauville?
This will allow you to catch a rare Legendary Pokemon. Fly back to the Sea Mauville. If you’re playing Omega Ruby, take the Clear Bell to the highest part of the deck. This will open up a mirage ring to Ho-Oh….Capture Ho-Oh or Lugia.
Ho-Oh ♂ | ||
Held Item | Sacred Ash | Sunny Day Fire Blast Sacred Fire Punishment |
How many floors is mauville city in Pokemon Ruby?
Mauville City has been drastically redesigned from its old layout in the original Ruby and Sapphire. It’s now the biggest city in all of Hoenn. The city is square-shaped, and is built on three floors, but only two are fully accessible.
Where can I find a metronome in mauville city?
Mauville City, Roof. You can get several items on the roof. Someone is selling a Metronome, a girl will give you a Poké Toy if you say that you really love pokémon, and someone will come up to you and give you a Nugget if you walk around the roof long enough.
How do I contact 2ndfloor?
For our hearing impaired callers, 2NDFLOOR can be reached at the following TTY number: 732-264-1703. Disclaimer: 2NDFLOOR is a youth helpline designed to listen, help and guide youth in addressing challenges.