Is Waterier a word?
Yes, waterier is in the scrabble dictionary.
Is Waterier a Scrabble word?
WATERIER is a valid scrabble word.
What is watery sunshine?
Watery sunshine. adjective. 1. 1. Lacking force or substance; weak or insipid.
What is something watery?
1a : consisting of, filled with, or surrounded by water. b : containing, sodden with, or yielding water or a thin liquid a watery solution watery vesicles. 2a : resembling water or watery matter especially in thin fluidity, soggy texture, paleness, or lack of savor watery sunlight a watery soup watery diarrhea.
Who is a votary?
a person who is bound by solemn religious vows, as a monk or a nun. an adherent of a religion or cult; a worshiper of a particular deity or sacred personage. a person who is devoted or addicted to some subject or pursuit: a votary of jazz. a devoted follower or admirer.
What is watery in a sentence?
overly diluted; thin and insipid. 1, Her eyes were red and watery from crying. 2, He rescued her from a watery grave. 3, She was rescued from a watery grave .
Is Wagery a Scrabble word?
wagery is a valid English word.
What is liquid sunshine drug?
LSD; “acid”.
Does arousal fluid help sperm?
Some research has found that lengthier foreplay and increased sexual arousal may increase the quantity of sperm in men. For women, foreplay often means more cervical fluids. Cervical fluids are essential in helping sperm swim and survive the vaginal environment.
What does clear vaginal discharge mean?
Clear and stretchy — This is “fertile” mucous and means you’re ovulating. Clear and watery — This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be particularly heavy after exercising. Yellow or green — May indicate an infection, especially if it’s thick or clumpy like cottage cheese or has a foul odor.
What is the meaning Janissary?
Definition of janissary 1 often capitalized : a soldier of an elite corps of Turkish troops organized in the 14th century and abolished in 1826. 2 : a member of a group of loyal or subservient troops, officials, or supporters.
What Vestal means?
a chaste unmarried woman; virgin
Definition of vestal a chaste unmarried woman; virgin.
What is the adjective of watery?
adjective. /ˈwɔːtəri/ /ˈwɔːtəri/ of or like water; containing a lot of water.
What is Orange Sunshine drug?
The Orange Sunshine variety of LSD that was widely available in California through 1968 and 1969 was produced in the Sonoma County underground chemistry lab of Tim Scully and Nicholas Sand. It was shut down by the police, and Scully was arrested and prosecuted.
Does the Brotherhood of Eternal Love still exist?
Their activities came to an end on August 5, 1972, when a drug raid was executed on the group where dozens of group members in California, Oregon and Maui were arrested.
What does thick jelly like discharge mean?
Vaginal discharge that is clear with a jelly-like consistency is normal and may be indicative that you are ovulating or about to ovulate. In the lead-up to ovulation, the body produces up to 30 times more discharge. It usually has the consistency of egg whites (or jelly) and may be stretchy or slimy.
What is the meaning of Waterer?
Definition of waterer. : one that waters: such as. a : a person who obtains or supplies drinking water. b : a device used for supplying water to livestock and poultry. — called also drinker.
What is the adjective for watery?
adj.water·ier, water·iest 1. Filled with, consisting of, or soaked with water; wet or soggy: watery soil. 2. Containing too much water; diluted: watery soup.
What does watery good bye mean?
Secreting or discharging water or watery fluid, especially as a symptom of disease. Accompanied by tears; tearful: a watery good-bye. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
What is the most literal analogy for a Waterer?
Recent Examples on the Web But the most literal analogy is the little hollow spike sold as a slow plant waterer. — Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 5 Oct. 2020 Grounds of the property include a four-stall barn with automatic waterers, a tack room and a nine-car garage.