Was Sandy Hook victim also a Boston Marathon victim?
Real or Hoax: Sandy Hook Victim Also a Boston Marathon Victim? A photo being circulated shows what is claimed to be a “mistake” showing the photo Sandy Hook school shooting victim as one of those killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. We are calling this one a hoax.
Was Principal Dawn Hochsprung at the Boston Marathon?
Principal Dawn Hochsprung died in the Sandy Hook school shootings .. Somehow she ended up at the Boston Marathon bombing according to Fox News… Principal Dawn Hochsprung spotted at the boston marathon..
Was a ‘crisis actor’ seen crying at mass shootings in Boston?
Social media rumors claim the same girl, a “crisis actor,” was seen crying at tragedies in Boston, Aurora, Oregon, Sandy Hook, and Manchester. The same crying woman appears in photos taken at the scenes of massacres in Sandy Hook, Aurora, Boston, Oregon, Paris, and Manchester.
Was Donna killed at the Boston Marathon?
Both photos are of the same woman, but there is no evidence such a news report occurred. Further, no one named Donna was killed at the Boston Marathon, as some versions of the hoax claim.
Was the Sandy Hook school shootings a hoax?
A video documents that the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School were a staged hoax.
Was the Boston bombing staged like Sandy Hook?
He observed that, “The Boston bombing had everything Sandy Hook didn’t: video footage of the bombing, photos of the bombing, photos and videos of the wounded, and lots of blood.” But studies of the Boston bombing reveal the use of actors, fake blood and a staged sequence of events.
Was a photo of Sandy Hook principal Donna Page shown during interview?
A runner named Donna Bruce from Madison was interviewed by several news outlets that day, and it has been suggested that the photo on the right may include a caption during one of these interviews, and that perhaps photos of the Sandy Hook principal were shown for some reason during the interview. This has not been confirmed. Donna Page?