What are the types of indicator diagram?
There are four types of indicator diagrams: Power card. Draw card. Compression diagram. Light spring diagram.
What is the use of indicator diagram?
An indicator diagram is a chart used to measure the thermal, or cylinder, performance of reciprocating steam and internal combustion engines and compressors.
How do you calculate an indicator diagram?
- M.I.P, P(i)= A/(L*C)
- M.E.P, P(e)= P(i)-KT.
- K = 177968*D^2*S (BHP)
What is an engine indicator?
An engine indicator is an instrument for graphically recording the pressure versus piston displacement through an engine stroke cycle. Engineers use the resulting diagram to check the design and performance of the engine. A mechanical indicator consists of a piston, spring, stylus, and recording system.
What is Pcom and Pmax?
Pcom – Compression Pressure. Pmax – Maximum Pressure. There are 4 types of indicator diagrams that can be taken from the engine cylinder to know the condition and performance of the engine. Power card / Power indicator diagram. Compression diagram.
What is the purpose of indicator valve?
Indicator Valves measure and monitor the cylinder pressure of diesel engine while the engine is running. This is to analyze the condition and effectiveness of the engine. Valve is mounted over the each cylinder head of diesel engine. Through a bore the indicator valve is connected to combustion chamber (cylinder).
What is an indicator diagram and what is its significance?
Indicator diagrams are used to assess the performance of each unit of the ship’s main engine. It is based on the indicator diagram that the overall performance of the engine is assessed.
What is valve timing diagram?
A valve timing diagram is a graphical representation of the opening and closing of the intake and exhaust valve of the engine, The opening and closing of the valves of the engine depend upon the movement of piston from TDC to BDC, This relation between piston and valves is controlled by setting a graphical …
What is an indicator diagram Class 11?
Indicator diagram (P-V diagram) A curve showing variation of volume of a substance taken along the X-axis and the variation of pressure taken along Y-axis is called an indicator diagram or P-V diagram. The shape of the indicator diagram shall depend on the nature of the thermodynamic process the system undergoes.
What is engine indicator?
What can be obtained from the engine indicator diagram?
Engine indicators are instruments which record the pressure and volume of the gases within the engine cylinder on a diagram, and make possible a study of the entire cycle with alterations or modifications to the air/fuel ratio, ignition timing, speed and load characteristics being recorded.
What is an indicator diagram What are the features and advantages How is it different from PV diagram?
A curve showing variation of volume of a substance taken along the X-axis and the variation of pressure taken along Y-axis is called an indicator diagram or P-V diagram. The shape of the indicator diagram shall depend on the nature of the thermodynamical process the system undergoes.
What is a valve timing diagram how it is drawn for 2 stroke and 4 stroke engines?
How do you check petrol flow on a carburetor?
Turn on the key and monitor the fuel pressure, it should be around 60-psi. If equipped with a mechanical fuel pump, remove the fuel line to the carburetor and connect a fuel gauge to the fuel pump. This should yield a low pressure, under 20-psi when the engine is cranked over.
What is indicator diagram what is its importance in thermodynamics?
Indicator diagram is the graphical representation of a thermodynamic system using two thermodynamic variable, e.g., P and V diagram. Area under PV diagram gives work done in the thermodynamic process.
What is the significance of the indicator diagram or P-V diagram?
PV indicator diagram is a graph between the pressure and volume of a system. PV indicator is commonly used in thermodynamics, cardiovascular physiology, and respiratory physiology. The p-v diagram is originally called indicator diagram.