What can you mix with garlon?
Garlon is generally mixed with water, oil and a surfactant that stabilizes the mixture. Mixing these ingredients in the right order will make the mixture more effective and easier to apply to unwanted plants.
How do you mix triclopyr with water?
For spot treatments to ornamental turf, Mix 3/8 (0.375 oz.) to 3/4 (0.75) fluid ounces of Alligare Triclopyr 4 per 1000 square feet in 1 to 2 gallons of water. For more specific application rates please refer to the label. Triclopyr 4 will last for up to 1 to 2 years when stored according to the product label.
How long does it take for garlon to work?
three days
Garlon 600 – overview Acts rapidly on weed foliage to provide quick browning of leaves and stems. Leaf brownout and distortion of stem tips will normally be obvious within three days of application. Short residual life in the soil allows planting of sensitive crops and shrubs soon after application.
Can triclopyr be used near water?
A water body should not be treated with triclopyr if there is an outlet, or in moving waters such as rivers or streams. If there is water movement at a treated site, higher concentrations or a repeated application may be required.
How do you mix triclopyr 4?
Aerial Application: Add a 1:5 ratio of oil and water (1 part oil to 5 parts water) to the spray mixture (up to a maximum of 1 gallon of oil per acre) according to the mixing instructions below .
Why you should never apply herbicide ahead of the water?
It is important to realise, however, that many herbicides are toxic in aquatic ecosystems. Plants, invertebrates, amphibians and fish may be harmed when herbicide moves into a body of water.
What is the ratio of herbicide to water?
Mix 1.5 ounces (3 tablespoons) of herbicide to 1 gallon of water to renovate an entire lawn, or to eradicate weeds and grasses that are easy to kill. For tougher jobs, such as vines or perennials weeds, mix 2.5 ounces (5 tablespoons) to 1 gallon of water.
Do you need to mix herbicide with water?
To mix herbicide, add one-third to one-half of water needed for mix , then add the amount of herbicide denoted in chart and add the remaining amount of water needed to reach desired mix amount. Read the label for information on necessity and rates for additives, such as surfactants and penetrants.
Can you mix Garlon with water?
MIXING WITH WATER 1. Always mix Garlon® 3A or Garlon 4 Ultra with water for foliar applications with the addition of a nonionic or seed oil surfactant (e.g. methylated seed oil). 2. Always mix Garlon 3A with water for cut stump treatments.
How much Garlon 4 per gallon of oil?
This breaks down to 25-38 oz of Garlon 4 per gallon of oil solution. Per page 7 of the product label under “Low Volume Basal Bark Treatment”: Spray the basal parts of brush and tree trunks to a height of 12-15 inches from the ground in a manner that thoroughly wets the lower stems, including the root collar area, but not to the point of runoff.
How do you mix Garlon 4 ultra herbicide?
APPLICATION RATES Modified cut stump = Garlon® 4 Ultra at 25 to 30% volume to volume (v/v) in oil. [For example, mixing 1 quart of Garlon 4 Ultra with 3 quarts of basal oil would yield one gallon of a 25% solution]. Use a 30% v/v application rate on saltcedar [e.g. 1.3 quarts of herbicide to 2.7 quarts basal oil].
How do I use Garlon® 3A or garlons® 4 ultra?
Always mix Garlon® 3A or Garlon 4 Ultra with water for foliar applications with the addition of a nonionic or seed oil surfactant (e.g. methylated seed oil). 2. Always mix Garlon 3A with water for cut stump treatments.