What does adip o mean?
fat, fatty tissue
a combining form with the meaning “fat, fatty tissue,” used in the formation of compound words: adipocere.
What does adip mean in medical terms?
Adip- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “fat, fatty tissue.” It is often used in medical and scientific terms, including in biology and chemistry.
What does Cutane mean?
, cutaneo- [L. cutaneus, fr. cutis, skin] Prefixes meaning skin.
Where is the caudal?
Caudal: An anatomic term meaning 1. Pertaining to the tail or the hind part. 2. Situated in or directed toward the tail or hind part.
What does myring mean?
tympanic membrane
, myring- [L. myringa, mininga, meninga, membrane fr. Gr. mening-, membrane] Prefixes meaning tympanic membrane or eardrum.
What does Dacry o mean?
Dacryo-: A combining form denoting tears, as in dacryocyst (tear sac) and dacryocystorhinostomy (surgery to open up a tear duct). From the Greek dakry meaning “a tear.”
What is Erythr?
The prefix erythr- or erythro- means red or reddish. It is derived from the Greek word eruthros meaning red.
What does Ichthy mean in Latin?
indicating or relating to fishes. ichthyology. Word origin. from Latin, from Greek ikhthus fish.
Is caudal a word?
Similar to a tail in form or function. [New Latin caudālis, from Latin cauda, tail.] cau′dal·ly adv. Adv.
What does caudal refer to?
Definition of caudal 1 : of, relating to, or being a tail. 2 : directed toward or situated in or near the tail or posterior part of the body.
What is Cochle O?
cochle/o. cochlea (inner part of ear)
What does leuco mean?
Leuco- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “white” or “white blood cell.
What is an Ichthyoid?
Medical Definition of ichthyoid : resembling or characteristic of a fish an ichthyoid odor.
What is a root word for fire?
ign- fire. Latin. ignis. igneous, ignite, ignition.
What is Cephalad?
Definition of cephalad : toward the head or anterior end of the body.
What is Ventrally?
Medical Definition of ventral 1 : of or relating to the belly : abdominal. 2a : being or located near, on, or toward the lower surface of an animal (as a quadruped) opposite the back or dorsal surface. b : being or located near, on, or toward the front or anterior part of the human body.
What does Laryng o mean?
What does laryngo- mean? The combining form laryngo– is used like a prefix meaning “larynx,” a part of the throat where the vocal cords are located. It is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy.