What does an electronic boost controller do?
A boost controller controls the amount of manifold pressure by changing the pressure going to the wastegate. For example, suppose you wish to increase your boost pressure above your normal wastegate actuator pressure (typically 7psi).
Do you need a tune for an electronic boost controller?
When installing a 3 port EBCS, you will need a custom tune. Because the 3 Port EBCS operates so much more efficiently, without tuning, your car could over boost running factory targets.
How much HP can a boost controller add?
If you’ve ever towed a trailer up a steep grade, you know how important it is to have horsepower and boost at your fingertips. K&N’s new Boost Control Module works within factory parameters to increase boost—improving throttle response, and offering a power increase of up to 46 horsepower and 59 lb./ft.
Are manual boost controllers safe?
Raising boost levels will increase the amount of mechanical and thermal stress on all engine components, however, in most applications boost increases of 10-20% are quite safe. Also be aware that any engine components that may fail as a result of careless adjustment are not likely to be warranted by the manufacturer.
Is higher turbo psi better?
The pressure is referred to as boost and expressed in pounds per square inch (PSI). A turbocharger may be able to move enough air than the engine can use even at low pressures thereby causing an instant boost that impacts power. The greater the turbo boost pressure, the greater the engine power.
How much horsepower does 6 pounds boost add?
Typically you will get about 8hp per lb of boost you are running. Our car could probably take 6psi without doing anything… which is about the limit you’d want to run without an intercooler.
Is higher turbo PSI better?
What RPM do turbos kick in?
While your car’s engine revs, at cruise, at around 2,000 rpm, a turbo’s turbine can reach rotational speeds of more than 280,000 rpm.
Where do I put the boost controller?
Internal Wastegate Setup Install your boost controller in the wastegate pressure line with the wastegate arrow pointing towards the wastegate actuator. If your wastegate actuator has additional ports, these will need to be blocked. Secure all silicone hose ends with hose clamps.
How much is too much boost?
If you have a stock engine, with a compressor that is factory set to produce no more than twenty pounds of boost, you shouldn’t modify the system to make it produce much more than 25 pounds of boost. And increase of 5 pounds over stock is probably the limit you should go by.