What does Camote mean in Spanish slang?
(= amor) love. (= enamoramiento) crush (informal) tener un camote con algn to have a crush on sb (informal)
What drug is carga?
Heroin Drug Slang/Code Words
A-Bomb (mixed with marijuana) | Achivia | Adormidera |
Carga | Caro | Cement |
Chapopote | Charlie | Charlie Horse |
Cheese | Chicle | Chiclosa |
China | China Cat | China White |
What does La Riata mean?
a long noosed rope used to catch animals. synonyms: lariat, lasso, reata. type of: rope.
What dies Chula mean?
Chula is Spanish slang for “cute” or “a beautiful woman,” often seen in mami chula (“hottie”).
Is Commote a word?
1. To commove; to disturb; to stir up. Society being more or less commoted and made uncomfortable.
What is cancha English?
Definition of cancha 1 Southwest : an enclosed yard especially : a yard used for cockfights or games. 2 : a jai alai court.
What is the meaning of Irritator?
to annoy or anger (someone) 2. ( Biology) (tr) biology to stimulate (an organism or part) to respond in a characteristic manner. 3. ( Pathology) (tr) pathol to cause (a bodily organ or part) to become excessively stimulated, resulting in inflammation, tenderness, etc.
What is Commove?
Definition of commove transitive verb. 1 : to move violently : agitate. 2 : to rouse intense feeling in : excite to passion.
Does commode mean toilet?
The commode, or as we more commonly refer to it, the toilet, is something everyone uses on a daily basis. It is the centerpiece of most modern bathrooms and iterations of the modern toilet date back over 5000 years.
What does cancha mean in Peru?
Cancha is the toasted corn that is often served at Peruvian restaurants, as something to nibble on prior, and during, your meal.
What does Canchera mean in Spanish?
canchera. noun. Experienced person. ( m & f) Groundsman, groundswoman (cuidador); experienced player. (