What does chucking mean in slang?
(informal) A casual throw. noun. (slang) An act of vomiting.
What is the possible meaning of chucking down on the basis of the above dialogue *?
phraseBritishinformal. DEFINITIONS1. to be raining very hard. Synonyms and related words.
What does chuck it up mean?
The Online Slang Dictionary defines chalk up this way: “Surrender and accept the cause as something beyond one’s control or give credit to something beyond one’s control (if positive),” which is a fair translation of how the phrase is used.
Why do we say chuck it?
Chuck in its slang sense was used especially in the 1960s and 1970s by Black people. This use arose by analogy with Mister Charlie, a slang term used in the same sense and also derived from a nickname for Charles.
What does it mean to chunk something?
intransitive verb. : to make a dull plunging or explosive sound the rhythmic chunking of thrown quoits— John Updike. transitive verb. 1 : to mishit (a golf ball or shot) by striking the ground behind the ball.
What does Chuck mean in America?
Definition of chuck (Entry 5 of 5) 1 : a cut of beef that includes most of the neck, the parts about the shoulder blade, and those about the first three ribs — see beef illustration. 2 chiefly Western US : food.
What does Chuck mean in England?
chuck verb (END) [ T ] UK old-fashioned informal. to end a romantic relationship with someone: He’s just chucked his girlfriend.
Why do people say chuck it?
Definition of chuck it (all) in : to give up doing what one has been doing : quit He grew tired of his job and decided to just chuck it (all) in.
What does it mean to chunk it?
Urbandictionary.com defines “to chunk” thusly: “To throw something at someone… originates in Texas..
Where did the phrase chuck it come from?
Is the word chunk slang?
slang To vomit, especially violently or in great amount. I felt like I was going to blow chunks from seasickness out on that boat.
What does Chuck mean in Australian slang?
to vomit
Aussie Word of the Week Chuck means, among other things, to vomit, as in he chucked up on my carpet! Lovely. Thankfully chuck also has some less gross meanings. In Australia certain things are chucked rather than ‘done’ or ‘taken’. For instance, when driving you almost invariably chuck a U-ie, or chuck a left or right.
What does chuck mean in Australian slang?
Is it chunk it or chuck it?
“Chunk” is more violent and forceful. You “chunk” rocks at people or vicious stray dogs coming at you, or bricks through windows, or fastballs at sluggers from other baseball teams, but you might simply “chuck” a crumpled piece of paper in the trash.
Is the saying chunk it or chuck it?
“To chuck something means to put it in the trash,” she believes. “Chunk is what you do to a rock or something heavy and vaguely unimportant.” Another Texan, Hans Hansen, had his own distinctions: “I think ‘chuck’ involves aim and ‘chunk’ is just to throw it away, out a window, et cetera.”
Do you chuck it or chunk it?
In casual conversation, you may get by with saying “Chuck [throw] me that monkey wrench, will you?” But you will mark yourself as illiterate beyond mere casualness by saying instead “Chunk me that wrench.” This is a fairly common substitution in some dialects of American English.
What is chucking down?
be chucking (it) down To be raining very heavily. Primarily heard in UK. We have a football match scheduled for tomorrow, but if it’s chucking down like it is today, I’m sure that it will be postponed.
What is the meaning of chucked?
to resign from: He’s chucked his job. 5. to pat or tap lightly, as under the chin. n. 6. a light pat or tap. 7. a toss; pitch. [1575–85] chuck2 (tʃʌk) n.
What does it mean to Chuck your job?
to resign from: He’s chucked his job. 5. to pat or tap lightly, as under the chin. n. 6. a light pat or tap. 7. a toss; pitch.
What is a Chuck on a lathe?
chuck- a holding device consisting of adjustable jaws that center a workpiece in a lathe or center a tool in a drill collet chuck, collet- a cone-shaped chuck used for holding cylindrical pieces in a lathe