What does encore mean in English?
a demand for repetition or reappearance
Definition of encore 1 : a demand for repetition or reappearance made by an audience. 2a : a reappearance or additional performance demanded by an audience. b : a second achievement especially that surpasses the first. Other Words from encore Example Sentences Learn More About encore.
What does encore mean in music?
again; once more
again; once more (used by an audience in calling for an additional number or piece). noun. a demand, as by applause, for a repetition of a song, act, etc., or for a performance of a number or piece additional to those on a program, or for a reappearance by the performers, as at the end of a concert, recital, etc.
What is the synonym of encore?
His final encore was a piece by Ginastera. Synonyms. repeat performance. repetition. rerun.
Does encore mean repeat?
A performance that’s repeated or added to the regular performance is called an encore. If you’re deaf from last night’s concert, it might be because the band played for two hours and then did a thirty minute encore. Encore is a French word meaning again.
Why is it called an encore?
After a concert ended during the 18th century, wealthy patrons of the audience would request to hear their favorite song of the set again, since they couldn’t listen to it at home. This extra performance became known as an “encore,” which is the French word for “again.”
What is the opposite of encore?
ˈɑːnˌkɔr) Request an encore, from a performer. Antonyms. underachievement overachievement.
What is a synonym for once more?
synonyms: again, once again, over again.
When did encores start?
Encores originated from orchestra concert halls in the 19th century, but transitioned into praise for rock stars in the 60s. Audiences called for encores after large concerts when they felt the show deserved to be commended.
What does encore tour mean?
An encore is an extra piece that is played at the end a performance. It is not on the programme, although the performer may have secretly planned it. A performer will play an encore if the audience claps a lot.
Do the French say encore?
If you want to request for a repeat performance in French, you don’t say “encore!” but rather, « une autre ! » or ‘another one! ‘. Or you can also say « bis ! »which means a request to repeat.
When did encore begin?
Is there always an encore?
Nowadays, the vast majority of professional bands and artists will feature at least one encore at the end of their shows purely because the audience has come to expect it.
Is Encore a name?
Encore – Boy’s name meaning, origin, and popularity | BabyCenter.
What is another word for over again?
Synonyms:again, repeated, renewed, recurrent, ad infinitum, over, cyclical, yet again, day after day/week after week/year after year etc.