What does Hairshirt mean?
Definition of hair shirt 1 : a shirt made of rough animal hair worn next to the skin as a penance. 2 : one that irritates like a hair shirt. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About hair shirt.
What were hair shirts used for?
Hairshirts are garments made from rough animal hair (usually that of goats) worn as a top or under a shirt and against the skin so the coarse hair will rub and scratch the wearer. This discomfort serves as both an act of penitence and a constant reminder of faith so as to better avoid the temptation to sin.
What is Harry Hairshirt?
A hairshirt is a cilice, an uncomfortable shirt worn by some Catholics and, earlier, by Jews as a sign of penance.
What does good boy mean?
adjective. 1Designating a children’s story in which the main character is a boy who behaves virtuously (now historical). 2Generally of, relating to, or characteristic of boys who are well-behaved and well-mannered.
What is an example of aspersion?
The definition of an aspersion is an unfavorable or damaging remark about someone or something. Saying that someone has committed a felony is an example of an aspersion.
How do you use aspersion?
Aspersion in a Sentence 🔉
- Jack’s political rival cast an aspersion against him right before the election.
- Because I know Janice is a kind person, I cannot believe the negative aspersion about her.
- Even though I am angry at you, I will not cast an aspersion upon your character.
What does the word penitents mean?
: feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses : repentant. penitent. noun. Definition of penitent (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a person who repents of sin.
What is a thigh chain used for?
What is a penitential girdle? Penitent’s belt, of looped iron wire semicircular, English or European, 16th to 17th centuries. This belt of spiked metal was worn around the waist or thigh, as a type of penance. Penance in the form of prayers is carried out by some Christians in the hope of being forgiven for their sins.
Is horse hair used for clothes?
Although horsehair generally refers to the hair of a horse’s mane or tail, haircloth itself is sometimes called horsehair. Horse or camel hair woven into haircloth is used in antique upholstery and clothing, but it is widely used by gilders as a fine abrasive cloth.
What is haircloth in the Bible?
“Sackcloth, usually made of black goat hair, was used by the Israelites and their neighbors in times of mourning or social protest.” Burlap as another term used in English translation is also generally understood as goat haircloth.
What does good egg mean?
a likeable person
Definition of good egg informal + somewhat old-fashioned. : a likeable person I’ve known Jim for years. He’s a good egg.
What is virtuously?
1a : having or exhibiting virtue. b : morally excellent : righteous a virtuous decision. 2 : chaste.
What does aspersion mean?
Definition of aspersion 1a : a false or misleading charge meant to harm someone’s reputation casting aspersions on her integrity. b : the act of making such a charge : defamation. 2 : a sprinkling with water especially in religious ceremonies the aspersion of the congregation before Mass.
What does Asperation mean?
somewhat rough or harsh
: somewhat rough or harsh to the touch : asperous. asperate.
Is Foibled a word?
Definition of foible a minor weakness or failing of character; slight flaw or defect: an all-too-human foible.
What is a haircut in finance?
The $5,000 or 50% reduction in the asset’s value, for collateral purposes, is called the haircut. The term is less commonly used as the market maker’s spread. The term haircut is used since the market maker’s spreads are so thin. A haircut refers to the lower-than-market value placed on an asset being used as collateral for a loan.
What does the amount of the haircut in the valuation mean?
The amount of the haircut reflects the perceived risk of the asset falling in value in an immediate cash sale or liquidation. The larger the risk or volatility of the asset price, the larger the haircut.
What is an example of an asset with a haircut?
The larger the risk or volatility of the asset price, the larger the haircut. For example, United States Treasury bills, which are relatively safe and highly liquid assets, have little or no haircut, whereas more volatile or less marketable assets might have haircuts as high as 50%.
What is a 30% haircut on a loan?
However, it will apply a haircut – a reduction in the value of the collateral. Let’s say, an asset worth $1 million at market price, given a haircut of 30%, would only be sufficient to collateralize a loan for $700,000.