What does IO stand for in aircraft engines?
‘O’ or ‘IO’ So to start, the first letter, “O,” indicates a carbureted engine. If the letter “I” proceeds this first number, this indicates an injected-fuel system.
Is Continental engines still in business?
On December 14, 2010, Continental’s parent Teledyne announced that Teledyne Continental Motors, Teledyne Mattituck Services, and its general aviation piston engine business would be sold to Technify Motor (USA) Ltd, a subsidiary of AVIC International, for US$186 million in cash.
What does 360 mean in Lycoming engines?
The Lycoming O-360 is a family of four-cylinder, direct-drive, horizontally opposed, air-cooled, piston aircraft engines. Engines in the O-360 series produce between 145 and 225 horsepower (109 to 168 kW), with the basic O-360 producing 180 horsepower. O-360. Lycoming IO-360-A1B6. Type.
Who makes the Continental IO-470?
Manufactured by Continental Motors, the family also includes the E165, E185, and the E225. The Continental IO-470 is a fuel injected version.
What are the different models of the IO-470?
The Continental IO-470 is a fuel injected version. Variant models of the IO-470 include the IO-470-A, IO-470-C, IO-470-D, IO-470-E, IO-470-F, IO-470-G, IO-470-H, IO-470-J, IO-470-K, IO-470-L, IO-470-LO, IO-470-M, IO-470-N, IO-470-P, IO-470-R, IO-470-S, IO-470-T, IO-470-U, IO-470-V, and IO-470-VO.
When did the FAA approve the IO-470 series engine operator’s manual?
AUGUST 2011 IO-470 CONTINENTAL® AIRCRAFT ENGINE OPERATOR’S MANUAL FAA APPROVED A IO-470 Series Engine Operator’s Manual 31 August 2011 Supersedure Notice This manual revision replaces the front cover and list of effective pages for Publication Part No. X30024, dated June 1973. Previous editions are obsolete upon release of this manual.
Who is the author of the IO-470?
Operator’s Manual Author Continental Motors, Inc. Subject IO-470 Created Date 7/15/2011 2:00:29 PM