What does KIO mean in Hawaiian?
To cheep, chirp
1. vi. To cheep, chirp.
What does kilo mean in Hawaiian?
1. nvt., Stargazer, reader of omens, seer, astrologer, necromancer; kind of looking glass (rare); to watch closely, spy, examine, look around, observe, forecast. Related: Kilo aupuni, political expert.
What is Kiai in Hawaiian?
s. Kiai, guard, and puka, a door or gate. A porter; a guard at a gate.
What does Ku Kiai mean?
Those standing for Mauna Kea call themselves kiaʻi, which translates to guardians or protectors. These people are standing for the place they consider their living ancestor as traced through the Kumulipo or Hawaiian creation chant.
What does Kia I mean?
a guardian or protector
Kia? i is a guardian or protector. One who has the kuleana or responsibilities of the protection and preservation of a person, place or thing.
What does Kahu mean in Hawaiian?
Honored attendant, guardian, nurse
1. n., Honored attendant, guardian, nurse, keeper of ʻunihipili bones, regent, keeper, administrator, warden, caretaker, master, mistress; pastor, minister, reverend, or preacher of a church; one who has a dog, cat, pig, or other pet.
What does Kapu Aloha mean in Hawaiian?
The term kapu aloha comes from the merging of two foundational Hawaiian language words kapu (to set apart; to prohibit; to make sacred or holy), and aloha (to love; show mercy; to have compassion upon).
What is Moku in Hawaiian?
Moku or district is a land division that sections off portions of each island. After the Great Mahele, the islands were divided into districts. Prior to this, land was sacred to all and all who lived on the land used the land.
How do you say Angel in Hawaii?
ʻĀnela, hemolele, kanaka lele. Guardian angel, ʻānela kiaʻi.
What does Kiai mean Hawaiian?
What does kahuna mean in Hawaii?
Definition of kahuna 1 : a preeminent person or thing : big gun the industry’s big kahuna, with … 57 percent of the market— A. E. Serwer. 2 : a Hawaiian shaman.
What is the meaning of mokupuni?
Mokupuni (mō’-kŭ-pū’-ni), n. / mō’-kŭ-pū’-ni / Parker Haw to Eng , [Moku, an island, and puni, to surround.] The full form for island; that is, a division of land surrounded (by water): O ka mokupuni oia ka mea nui e like me Hawaii, Maui, ame na moku e ae. Syn: Aina.
What is Mokopuna mean?
a grandchild or young person
/ (ˌməʊkəʊˈpuːnə) / noun. NZ a grandchild or young person.