What does Mulctuary mean?
Imposing a pecuniary penalty
mulctuary (not comparable) Imposing a pecuniary penalty; consisting of, or paid as, a fine.
How do you use Mulct in a sentence?
He was only going to mulct the taxpayer. Many mineral owners are mulct in other ways. If you want to produce the maximum return on the capital invested, you increase the charges and you mulct the consumer. Now the workman is called upon to allow his wages to be mulct on every considerable pretext.
How do you remember mulct?
Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for mulct “first I was mulct(ed), then i was mocked.” Got mulct? The bank? Malkit Singh mulct people of our mulk.
What does the name Ernest mean in the Bible?
What is the meaning of Ernest? Ernest is baby boy name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is Germanic. Ernest name meanings is Earnest or sincere. Other similar sounding names can be Earnest, Ernesto, Ernst.
How do you use mulct in a sentence?
How do you spell Attone?
verb (used without object), a·toned, a·ton·ing. to make amends or reparation, as for an offense or a crime, or for an offender (usually followed by for): to atone for one’s sins. to make up, as for errors or deficiencies (usually followed by for): to atone for one’s failings.
Is Ernest a good name?
The name Ernest is boy’s name of English origin meaning “serious, resolute”. Ernest is one of those sober, so-far-out-they’re-beginning-to-be-reconsidered Great Uncle names. It was a Top 40 name from 1880 to 1926, and has never been completely off the Social Security list.
What does the name Earnest mean?
Diligent, Truthful
The name Earnest is primarily a male name of English origin that means Diligent, Truthful.
What is earnest person?
serious and zealous in intention, purpose, or effort: an earnest worker. showing depth and sincerity of feeling: earnest words; an earnest entreaty. seriously important; demanding or receiving serious attention. noun. seriousness and zealousness: to speak in earnest.
What Ernest means?
vigor, intent
[ ur-nist ] SHOW IPA. / ˈɜr nɪst / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun. a male given name: from an Old English word meaning “vigor, intent.”
Who is the modern day Philistines?
The Philistines were a group of people who arrived in the Levant (an area that includes modern-day Israel, Gaza, Lebanon and Syria) during the 12th century B.C. They came during a time when cities and civilizations in the Middle East and Greece were collapsing.