What does non obligatory mean?
Definitions of nonobligatory. adjective. not required by rule or law. synonyms: nonmandatory optional. possible but not necessary; left to personal choice.
Whats the meaning of of obligatory?
Definition of obligatory 1 : binding in law or conscience The ordinance made it obligatory that homeowners clear the snow from the sidewalks. 2 : relating to or enforcing an obligation a writ obligatory.
What is an example of obligatory?
The definition of obligatory is necessary, required or expected as a result of law or social custom. When someone waves at you and you feel like you have to wave back because social system says you do in order to be polite, the return wave is an example of an obligatory wave.
Does obligatory mean required?
Compulsory, mandatory, and obligatory can all mean “required by a law or a rule,” as shown in these example sentences: Massachusetts was the first state to pass a compulsory school attendance law.
What is the synonym of obligatory?
compulsory, mandatory, prescribed, required, demanded, statutory, enforced, binding, incumbent. requisite, necessary, imperative, unavoidable, inescapable, essential. voluntary, optional. 2’after the obligatory preamble on the weather he got down to business’
Is unrequired a word?
Not necessary: dispensable, inessential, needless, nonessential, uncalled-for, unessential, unnecessary, unneeded.
What’s the difference between obligatory and mandatory?
“Mandatory” is presumably related to “mandate” and used when it’s a matter of law or regulation. “Obligatory” is presumably related to “obligation” and used when it’s a matter of moral, social or other obligation rather than law.
What is the difference between obligatory and compulsory?
Compulsory is a little less common, but can still be used as needed. Obligatory, however, is more of formal synonym to the other two and is hardly used, but it does have another meaning. It could mean something that isn’t required but is so common that it might seem overused.
What is difference between obligatory and mandatory?
They both mean the same thing, but with very, very slight differences. Mandatory us the more common word to use. Obligatory is less common and is used less in spoken conversation. e.g. This school trip is mandatory/compulsory for all students.
What is the opposite compulsory?
Opposite of required by law or a rule. optional. unnecessary. arbitrary. voluntary.
What is the opposite of mandated?
Near Antonyms for mandated. canceled. (or cancelled), countermanded, rescinded.
What is another word for unrequired?
In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unrequired, like: dispensable, inessential, needless, nonessential, uncalled-for, unessential, unnecessary, unneeded and necessary.
What is difference between compulsory and mandatory?
Mandatory indicates a quality of binding to the particular thing while compulsory indicates a necessity of something. Both mandatory and compulsory are two words that mean something essential. Therefore, these two words are often used as synonyms.
What is mandatory mean in Urdu?
1) mandatory Required by rule. In most schools physical education is compulsory. Attendance is mandatory. Required reading. لازمی
What’s another word for not mandatory?
noncompulsory, non-statutory, compensatory, non-imperatively, facultative, permissive, elective.
How do you say it is not required?
- dispensable,
- gratuitous,
- inessential,
- needless,
- nonessential,
- uncalled-for,
- unessential,
- unwarranted.
What is difference between mandatory and compulsory?
Definition. Mandatory means something made necessary usually by law or some other rule. Therefore it implies a quality if binding to the doer while compulsory means a necessity made by rules and regulations.
What is opposite of obligation?
Opposite of a moral, professional or legal duty. nonresponsibility. irresponsibility. negligence. noncommitment.
What is the opposite mandatory?
Opposite of required or commanded by authority. voluntary. optional. volitional. discretional.
What’s another way to say no obligation?
What is another word for under no obligation?
off the hook | acquitted |
cleared | free |
reprieved | absolved |
exonerated | in the clear |
let off | out of trouble |