What does per ush mean?
Perush is the meaning of something. Rashi’s perush or elucidation on the Bible and Talmud is the most celebrated perush of all. Both parashah and perush come from parash, meaning separate.
How do you spell USH as in usual?
A correspondent wrote to ask us how to spell the abbreviated form of usually that’s pronounced like the word’s first syllable—as in “I’ll have the us(ual).” Let’s see what we can do. The usual. Like coffee and cherry pie, for instance.
What’s the abbreviation for usual?
Compare the written abbreviation usu. or usu (“usual, usually”).
How do you spell short form for casual?
The obvious correct spelling for the single-syllable shortened form of casual so often used in informal speech is caszh. We need the S to hearken back to the spelling of the word we’re trying to abbreviate. (Caj, by contrast, might look like an abbreviation of cajun or cajole to the uninitiated.)
What does as per usual mean?
as per usual. : in the accustomed or habitual way : as usual As per usual I tried to see into Myra’s mind and as per usual I got nowhere at all.— Gore Vidal.
Is Peruser a word?
What is the noun form of peruse? Peruse is a verb, referring to either the casual or the thorough and detailed examining of something. The related noun meaning “the act or an instance of perusing something” is perusal. Another noun related to peruse is peruser, “one who peruses.”
Is it correct to say as per?
The phrase “as per” isn’t grammatically correct. It is, however, redundant and overly legalistic. Consider using other words or phrases if you want to sound a bit less stiff or formal in your communications.
How do you use as per in a sentence?
As-per sentence example
- If you are using an ear cleaner, fill the canal as per the cleaner’s instructions.
- Ensure that the light capacity of the lamp is as per intended usage.
- It is also important to remember that a year of the Chinese zodiac doesn’t begin on the 1st of January as per the Western/Gregorian calendar.
How do you use peruse?
Peruse sentence example
- Catch your breath, relax and peruse the cafe’s single-estate coffee menu.
- Let us now peruse the tarnished pages of history.
- Why not peruse our selection of gifts for her.
- I told him I was willing to pay, for his inconvenience, to peruse all the entries he’d received.
How do you use perusal in a sentence?
This reviewer kept this in mind throughout his perusal of the book. This information needs to be available for careful perusal as well as for rapid checks. A brief perusal of the activities and his speech would further tell us how the language of class, community and religion, and race, were all fused together.
Is indeed a British word?
(especially British English) used after very and an adjective or adverb to emphasize a statement, description, etc. Thank you very much indeed!
Can I say yous?
So youse (or yous) is simply a regular “add an ‘s’” plural, y’all is a contraction of the phrase you all, and yinz appears to be a contraction of you ones.
Is it correct to say as per usual?
As usual is the correct English to say that something is done or expected to be done the same way as it has always been done. As per usual is the shorthand or informal way of saying the same thing.
How do you use as per?
What Does “As Per” Mean? This adverbial phrase simply means “according to.” When you’re citing something or someone, you can use “as per.” When you add the words “your request,” the phrase becomes APYR, the internet slang for “as per your request.”
Should I use per or as per?
If there are no differences, which is apropos to use? Just that as per is more formal and older than per. The trend now seems to be to prefer per, just as we tend to shorten everything else.
Is there an alternative spelling for as per Ushe?
There’s no definitive spelling, but as per ushe is a common one with the benefit of being fairly unambiguous. Alternatives include as per use, but that could be confused with “for each use”, and as per uje, but that looks a bit odd. The OED doesn’t include either, but does note as per is also a shortened form.
Is “as per usual” correct grammar?
As per usual is an informal way of communicating the idea that something is going to be done as it is generally done or in a way that is normally expected. In proper English, no. In the correct English, you’ll need to say “as usual” or “as per the usual” or “per the usual”.
You can use as per in a sentence in the following way: As usual means something that is done customarily, ordinarily or habitually. As usual is the correct English to say that something is done or expected to be done the same way as it has always been done.
Is there an alternative word for as per use?
Alternatives include as per use, but that could be confused with “for each use”, and as per uje, but that looks a bit odd. The OED doesn’t include either, but does note as per is also a shortened form.