What does quid pro stand for?
Quid pro quo (‘what for what’ in Latin) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; “a favor for a favor”.
What does quid pro quo mean in law?
For bribery purposes, a quid pro quo is the specific intent to give or receive a “thing of value” in exchange for some future action that the public official will take (and may already have determined to take), or for a past act that he has already taken. 18 U.S.C. § 201.
How do you use quid pro quo in a sentence?
Quid Pro Quo in a Sentence In a quid pro quo contract, the model agreed to wear the brand’s clothes and share photos on her Instagram account in exchange for money. They developed a quid pro quo agreement, in which he gets free eggs from his neighbor in exchange for his homemade bread.
Is quid pro quo an idiom?
A favor done for someone in exchange for a favor in return. This Latin phrase means “something for something.” You wash my car, and I’ll drop off your dry cleaning—quid pro quo. Our company has a specific policy against quid pro quo, to prevent unfair treatment and harassment.
What is the best example of quid pro quo?
An example of quid pro quo is when you cover for your friend in a lie in exchange for him covering for you later. An example of quid pro quo is a boss who offers his secretary a raise if she will kiss him.
What’s the opposite of quid pro quo?
ˈkwɪd) Something for something; that which a party receives (or is promised) in return for something he does or gives or promises. Antonyms. inconsideration thoughtlessness tactlessness unkindness. retainer consideration.
What does quo mean?
Definition of quo (Entry 2 of 2) : something received or given for something else the exchange of quids for quos out of the public’s sight and hearing— R. H. Rovere.
Is quid pro quo bribery?
“Quid pro quo” is a Latin phrase that means “something for something” or “this for that.” Every bribery or extortion charge necessarily has a “quid pro quo.” However, not every “quid pro quo” is a crime. If one person offers another $5,000.00 to purchase a car, that is simply a contract for the sale of a car.
Which of the following is an example of quid pro quo?
For example, say your boss promises to give you a raise or a promotion if you have sex with him or her, that would be quid pro quo sexual harassment, and it would be illegal. Quid pro quo harassment could also involve a threat.
What words have Z in them?
Words That Contain Z
- adz.
- azo.
- biz.
- coz.
- cuz.
- fez.
- fiz.
- rez.
Is Scrabble a Scrabble word?
Scrabble is valid Scrabble Word.
What is the literal meaning of quid pro quo?
The plaintiff (i.e. the employee or job applicant who felt that sexual favors were expected of him or her)
How would you use “Quid pro quo” in a sentence?
It was simply a case of differing definitions of quid pro quo.
How to use Quid pro quo correctly?
Something for something
How do you pronounce quid pro quo?
Break ‘quid pro quo’ down into sounds :[KWID]+[PROH]+[KWOH]- say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.