What frequencies are in the 2 meter band?
The 2-meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF radio spectrum that comprises frequencies stretching from 144 MHz to 148 MHz in International Telecommunication Union region (ITU) Regions 2 (North and South America plus Hawaii) and 3 (Asia and Oceania) and from 144 MHz to 146 MHz in ITU Region 1 (Europe, Africa.
What is the 2 meter calling frequency?
144-148 MHz
2 Meters (144-148 MHz)
What is meant by 2 meter band?
The term 2 Meters commonly refers to a frequency band assigned for Amateur Radio use. The band limits in the USA for the 2 Meter amateur band are 144-148MHz. 2 Meters refers to Wavelength. It means that the radio waves transmitted at 144 million times per second (MHz) are 2 meters in length.
How far can a 6 meter radio transmit?
Multiple-hop sporadic E propagation allows intercontinental communications at distances of up to 10,000 kilometres (6,200 mi).
What is a band plan?
A band plan refers to a voluntary division of a band to avoid interference between incompatible modes. Resources. Sharing arrangements; Detailed packet frequencies [PDF] Phone patch, autopatch and HF/VHF/UHF operating guidelines “Considerate Operator’s Frequency Guide” 2200 and 600 – meter bands
When was the 222 MHz band plan adopted?
Note: The 222 MHz band plan was adopted by the ARRL Board of Directors in July 1991. Repeater inputs 25 MHz split paired with those in 927.000-927.075 or Weak signal
Why don’t we have one national band plan for all regions?
1) Significant regional variations in both current band utilization and the intensity and frequency distribution of noise sources preclude one plan that is suitable for all parts of the country. These variations will require many regional frequency coordinators to maintain band plans that differ in some respects from any national plan.
What is the RSGB band plan?
RSGB Band Plans and Information – The RSGB Band Plan is normally published annually in the February edition of RadCom and additionally reviewed mid-year. It is derived from the IARU Region 1 Band Plan taking into account any proposed national variations or special amendments, which are considered necessary by the relevant spectrum manager.