What is a 222 rifle good for?
222 gives good neck tension, and allows for excellent bullet concentricity, which just might be part of the accuracy magic. While the . 222 Rem. was an immediate hit among the varmint and predator hunters, it also came into its own in a new type of shooting competition: Benchrest.
Where are Savage Axis II rifles made?
Savage Arms is an American gunmaker based in Westfield, Massachusetts, with operations in Canada. Savage makes a variety of rimfire and centerfire rifles, as well as Stevens single-shot rifles and shotguns.
Can you hunt deer with a 222?
yes but there is a good chance for no exit wound , but a 55gr hornady soft point slipped in the rib cage missing the shoulder at 2680 fps shreads the lungs , makes very short work of the deer but a 20-40 yard bloodless run is very possible . Some state require a 24 caliber or larger for deer.
Do they still make 222?
Yes, 222 Remington ammo is still in production today. It is largely still made for the European market as new rifles are rarely chambered in 222 Remington.
How powerful is a 222 rifle?
From prairie dogs and woodchucks to crows and coyotes, the . 222 Remington was king. It drove a 50-grain bullet 3,240 fps, a 55-grain 3,200 fps and a little 40-grain 3,580 fps. Many hunters used it on deer and feral hogs.
Is a 222 good for coyotes?
222 is a good choice and plenty for coyotes out to around 250 yards or so.
Are Stevens and savage the same?
Savage dropped the Stevens name in 1991, but revived it in 1999 and still uses it today for a number of its low cost rifles and shotguns.
Is the Savage 340 a good rifle?
These Savage 340 rifles were fun to shoot and very accurate and was a nice firearm for the young shooter or lady shooter in the family. The 22 hornet and the 222 Remington cartridges were great little additions to the 340 line.
When did Savage stop making the E 340?
Not much history has been kept of Savage’s ugly little utility rifle. They’re usually very good shooters though. They stopped making the 340 around ’83. The E was the “fancy” checkered stock version. but around here that doesn’t boost the value any. Does yours have pressed checkering or cut checkering? If cut, then it’s an earlier E.
What kind of cartridges are in the 340 series?
The 22 hornet and the 222 Remington cartridges were great little additions to the 340 line. The little 340 model in these cartridges would account for many woodchucks in my area of Pennsylvania.
Can you drill and tap a savage 340 for scope mounts?
The early model Savage 340s in the 30-30 cartridge were not drilled and tapped in the early years. I would as a gunsmith in the 1980s and 90s, drill and tap many of these bolt action rifles for scope mounts. I would pretty much exclusively use the Weaver side mounts and enjoy installing them on those Savage firearms.