What is a breakdown in Ace Attorney?
A breakdown is a special type of descent in the Ace Attorney series serving as the final transition of a character to some kind of defeated state.
Can you lose Ace Attorney?
With the exception of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, should the player lose, the player is given the opportunity to start again at the point where they failed, or go back to the title screen.
How old is Phoenix Wright in the first game?
he is 24 years old at the start of the first game. By the time of Dual Destinies, Phoenix is in his mid-thirties.
Who hit Phoenix with the car?
Suspect Identified. Police officials have identified the suspect as 28-year-old Andrew Robert Vigil. According to court documents, Vigil intentionally meant to hit the victim, and a witness said his car’s dash-mounted camera managed to capture the incident.
How long was Godot in a coma?
Diego felt a sense of injustice about this and continued to research the case, but just as he was getting close to the killer, he was poisoned by her and slipped into a coma for five years. As a result of the poisoning he also became blind without the aid of the visor he wears currently, and his hair turned white.
Do Phoenix Wright and Iris get together?
Although she is of Fey lineage, she has no known spiritual powers, much like her twin sister Dahlia Hawthorne. She was imprisoned for her role in the Murder of Misty Fey but was later bail by Ethan Araya and later rekindle her relationship with Phoenix Wright.
Will there be a Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 3?
The third game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Trials and Tribulations, excitingly culminates the series by further exploring the background of Mia, Maya, and Phoenix by way of the mysterious coffee-guzzling prosecutor Godot.
Who is Phoenix Wright’s prosecutor Godot?
Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself… that is coffee. — The Stolen Turnabout Godot (pronounced GOD-oh, gə-DOH, or go-doh; see Name) was the mysterious coffee-loving prosecutor for Phoenix Wright ‘s cases from October 2018 until February 2019.
Who is Godot?
Godot (pronounced GOD-oh, gə-DOH, or go-doh; see Name) was the mysterious coffee-loving prosecutor for Phoenix Wright ‘s cases from October 2018 until February 2019. He held an open grudge against Wright (although it would be some time until Wright would find out why), intentionally mispronouncing his name as “Trite” to show his contempt.
Does Godot respect Phoenix for his commitment to justice?
By the end of the third game, however, this trope is averted. Edgeworth, Franziska, the Judge, and even Godot respect Phoenix for his commitment to justice.