What is a Celtic cross tattoo?
Antique spirituality meets modern fashion with the widespread induction of Celtic Cross tattoos. These ancient symbols are imbued with vast cultural significance for men everywhere. Celtic cross ink is ideal for those who want to emphasize the inclusive elements of Christianity.
What is the Celtic knot for father and daughter?
Celtic knot is a popular Celtic symbol using a knot which has no beginning and no end. Each loop through it is individual is part of the whole and cannot be separated as the relationship between father and daughter. The Celtic symbol for father-daughter tells the story of Brigid who sat close to her dying father.
What is the difference between a Trinity knot and a Celtic Knot?
The Trinity Knot / Triquetra is one of the many symbols to be developed by the Celts and it falls into the ‘Celtic Knot’ category, alongside the likes of the Dara Knot. Celtic Knots are complete loops with no beginning or end and they were primarily used for decoration in the Celtic style of Insular art.
What do Celtic crosses symbolize?
The Celtic Cross’ construction features a traditional cross accentuated with a circle around the intersection of the arms and stem. Subject to many different interpretations, the Celtic Cross is said to be a representation of knowledge, strength and compassion to manage life’s ups and downs.
Do Celtic knots mean anything?
Celtic Spiral Knot The meaning of this Celtic Knot is commonly considered to signify the three forces of nature: water, fire and earth. The single line is said to signify the oneness of the spirit and the spirals represent growth. The gaps in the spirals symbolise the stages of life: life, death and rebirth.
What makes a Celtic Cross different from a regular cross?
Celtic “High” Crosses are freestanding stone crosses that date from the 8th to 12th century. In the oldest crosses from this period, the arms of the cross often don’t extend outside the ring with carvings usually depicting ancient celtic symbols and geometric designs.