What is a Charlie level response?
THREATCON CHARLIE: (Threat level high) This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent.
What is MPDS?
Myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS) is a stomatognathic system disturbance, which consists of pain, jaw movement irregularities, and muscle spasm. Hyperexcitation of peripheral sensory neurons causes a reaction of induction in the motor neuron and then spasms of the masticatory muscles follow.
What is an echo level response?
ECHO-level: Closest apparatus of any kind HOT, ALS responders HOT (allows the system to implement reasonable use of non-standard EMS responders such as police officers or fire department units) DELTA-level: Maximal response (both basic and advanced life support providers)
What does omega response mean?
OMEGA = ambulance only, no lights or siren for transport request to a hospital or just an assistance call. Usually for lift assist calls. ALPHA = No lights or siren response for a BLS ambulance. BRAVO = Lights and siren response for a BLS ambulance.
What does the code delta mean?
Code Delta‐Internal or Code Delta‐External is announced to indicate type of disaster. When you hear this code, speak with your supervisor, and begin any assigned duties for disaster plan.
What are the 4 priority symptoms?
“Any true or actual medical emergency, as it worsens, will result in one or more of 4 basic priority symptoms: chest pain; difficulty breathing; change in level of consciousness; serious hemorrhage … in all cases, no exceptions.” The EMD’s job is to interrogate about the presence or absence of priority symptoms.
What is hysteria threshold?
It is commonly referred to as “The Hysteria Threshold.” The hysteria threshold is defined as “he caller’s emotional state that prevents them from being focused in the interrogation process.” Simply put the hysteria threshold is when the caller reaches a point that s/he is too upset to properly focus on your questions …
Are most emergency callers uncooperative or hysterical?
Most emergency callers are uncooperative or hysterical. According to the First Lase of Chest or Back Pain, “hurts to breather” should be considered the same as difficulty breathing until proven otherwise.
What causes MPDS?
Myofascial pain syndrome (previously known as myofascial pain and dysfunction syndrome [MPDS or MFPDS]) can occur in patients with a normal temporomandibular joint. It is caused by muscle tension, fatigue, or (rarely) spasm in the masticatory muscles.
What is MFP jaw?
TMD (temporomandibular disorder), also known as TMJ disorder and MFP (myofascial pain) disorder exhibit discomfort and pain in areas near the jaw joints as well as the temples and underlying cheek areas.
What does code delta mean?
What is a Charlie on base?
When the HPCON is C, or Charlie, an area is experiencing sustained community transmission. Under HPCON Charlie, employees can expect cancellation of in-person gatherings, a restricted ability to travel and severely restricted access to military installations.
What is a Status 1 patient?
Status. Definition. 01. Discharged to home or self-care (routine discharge) 02.
What is ProQA dispatch software?
ProQA Dispatch Software integrates the power of the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch’s protocols with today’s critical computer technologies. It helps emergency dispatchers move smoothly through Case Entry and Key Questioning.
How many agencies use ProQA?
The company’s flagship product—the calltaking software ProQA—is currently used by more than 3,700 agencies worldwide, and emergency dispatchers employ Priority Dispatch System (PDS) to process approximately 80 million emergency calls annually. Discover ProQA See what’s new with ProQA See What’s New Why ProQA?
When does ProQA dispatch the appropriate determinant code?
ProQA queues dispatch as soon as it has information to safely recommend the appropriate Determinant Code. This may happen during Case Entry, Key Questioning, or after all questions have been asked depending on the specifics and priority of the situation.
What are the benefits of ProQA?
Benefits of ProQA. ProQA incorporates adaptive software that gives the dispatcher scripted panel-logic caller interrogation utilizing International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED) protocols that expedite a response that best assists the caller/patient.