What is a jersey finger?
A “jersey finger” refers to a rupture of the flexor tendon, which is the tendon that bends the fingertip down. Its name comes from football athletes who have gripped the jersey of an opposing player who is trying to get away.
What is the CPT code for FDP repair?
The flexor tendon repair code is 25260—Repair, tendon or muscle, flexor, forearm and/or wrist; primary, single, each tendon or muscle.
What is the CPT code for tenolysis?
CPT code 26440 is defined as “Tenolysis, flexor tendon; palm OR finger, each tendon. “
What is the CPT code for extensor tendon repair finger?
For the EDC long finger repair, you should report 26410-F7 (Repair, extensor tendon, hand, primary or secondary; without free graft, each tendon; Right hand, third digit).
How do you get a jersey finger?
Jersey finger is a potentially serious injury that occurs when the flexor tendon at the tip of the finger is torn or pulled away from the bone in the tip of the finger (the distal phalanx). The condition is painful and limits your ability to bend your finger.
What is the CPT code for kidner type procedure?
22715009 – Kidner operation with tendon transfer – SNOMED CT.
What is tenolysis?
Tenolysis is a surgical procedure to release or free a tendon from adhesions. Sometimes as a result of an injury or surgery, the tendons that bend and straighten the fingers become stuck in the scar tissue (adhesions) preventing the finger from moving properly.
What is procedure code 27680?
CPT® Code 27680 in section: Tenolysis, flexor or extensor tendon, leg and/or ankle.
What is extensor tendon repair?
Surgical repair of a lacerated or torn extensor tendon is called extensor tendon repair. An extensor tendon repair surgery can be performed under either regional or general anesthesia.
What is the CPT code for wound exploration?
The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code 20103 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range – Wound Exploration-Trauma (eg, Penetrating Gunshot, Stab Wound) Procedures on the Musculoskeletal System.
How do you treat Jersey fingers?
Initial treatment typically involves ice, pain relievers, and a finger splint. Jersey fingers require an operation to reattach the torn ligament to its original location. The timing of the operation is determined by how far the tendon slides back.
What happens if you dont treat jersey finger?
If the Jersey Finger is left untreated it will have functional consequences on the whole hand. It can affect the grip strength and the capacity to handle objects. Initially rest and ice are suggested to help reduce inflammation and decrease pain but MD consultation should shortly follow the injury.
Do I need surgery for jersey finger?
An acute diagnosis of jersey finger requires surgical treatment and generally means 8–12 weeks of inability to compete in most contact sports.
What is procedure code 27650?
27650: Repair, primary, open or percutaneous, ruptured Achilles tendon; Lay Description (Code): The physician repairs a ruptured Achilles tendon. An incision is made overlying the tendon.
What does Tendoplasty mean?
: plastic surgery performed on a tendon.
What is flexor tenolysis?
Flexor tenolysis is a surgical procedure used to remove adhesions that inhibit active flexion of digits. [1, 2, 3] Normal active tendon function requires that flexor tendons be able to glide smoothly within their tendon sheath.
What is the CPT code for finger tendon repair?
Note that when tendon repairs are performed, musculoskeletal section codes, such as 26418 Repair of extensor tendon, finger, primary or secondary; without free graft, each tendon, should be reported. Apply Nail Bed, Avulsion Codes with Care Some fingertip lacerations may involve the nail bed.
What is a Jersey finger?
summary Jersey Finger is a traumatic flexor tendon injury caused by an avulsion injury of the FDP from the insertion at the base of the distal phalanx. Diagnosis is made clinically with a finger that lies in slight extension at the DIP relative to other fingers in the resting position. Radiographs may show a bony avulsion if present.
How do you test for a Jersey finger?
Specifically test isolated DIP joint flexion in all digits. The inability to flex the DIP joint is pathognomic of a Jersey Finger. Tenderness along the flexor tendon sheath or in the palm may indicate the level of tendon retraction. A/P and lateral xrays of involved finger (not hand).
What does it mean if my jersey finger is pathognomic?
The inability to flex the DIP joint is pathognomic of a Jersey Finger. Tenderness along the flexor tendon sheath or in the palm may indicate the level of tendon retraction. A/P and lateral xrays of involved finger (not hand).