What is a VPI snake?
Pure Axanthic snakes look very similar to a common Ball Python but are just black, white and gray. The first axanthic morph was bred in 1997. Most axanthic pythons today descended from one of four bloodlines: VPI (Vida Preciosa International – Dave and Tracy Barker).
What is the longest a ball python can get?
One study on wild male species found the largest individual was 4.5 feet long, but this is unusual. The smallest measured adult male was only two feet long. Female Ball Pythons are much larger due to their genetically faster growth rate.
Why is it called a royal python?
The name royal python is believed to be derived from the fact that many African rulers were known to have worn live pythons as jewelry. Ball pythons are believed to live the longest of snakes species in managed situations, with some individuals living into their forties.
What is an axanthic snake?
The term Axanthic actually means the snake has a recessive mutation that only produces gray, brown, and black colors—they lack yellow and red pigments. They have all of the standard patterns of a Ball Python, but Axanthics are color mutations and are fairly rare.
What is axanthic Hognose?
Axanthic is a recessive mutation with a lack of red and yellow pigmentation. The snakes have shades of white, grey and black. The belly of the axanthic also misses the yellow, red or orange pigmentation.
What is the biggest royal python?
Local government official Rachmat said the reticulated python measured 48 feet 8 inches and weighed in at 983 pounds. The Guinness Book of World Records lists the longest ever captured snake to be 32 feet.
How long do royal pythons live?
30 yearsBall python / Lifespan (Male, In captivity)
Are Royal pythons friendly?
Ball pythons are docile snakes, but they can be very friendly and comfortable being handled by humans if you hold them once per day and handle them gently. An adult ball python will enjoy wrapping themselves around your arm or waist, but you can easily unwrap them when you need to.
How big do Royal pythons grow?
Royal pythons can grow to around 150cm, but size can differ between males and females.
What does 100% Het mean?
If it’s said to be 50% Het, then one of the parents is “100% Het”. Anywhere between “50% Het” and “100% Het” means that both parents were “Het” to some percentage. Any less than “50% Het” means that it’s a generation or two being bred with others who don’t display the trait.
What is a toffee glow hognose?
Toffee bellies have a light, warm caramel color base with a toffee colored belly, hence the name. They also are likely to have high amounts of paradoxing. The morph is compatible with T- Albino (also called amel or amelanism) and when combined creates the Toffee Glow.
What is a grey fog hognose?
Grey Fog is a combination of the heterozygous incomplete dominant arctic mutation and the heterozygous incomplete dominant anaconda mutation.
What is an axanthic ball python?
Axanthic Ball Pythons are a color morph of the Ball Python. Axanthism is a recessive color mutation that reduces the number of yellow pigment-producing cells in a snake. Pure Axanthic snakes look very similar to a common Ball Python but are just black, white and gray. The first axanthic morph was bred in 1997.
What is the scientific name for a ball python?
The name “ball python” refers to its tendency to curl into a ball when stressed or frightened. Boa regia was the scientific name proposed by George Shaw in 1802 for a pale variegated python from an indistinct place in Africa.
Are there any Exotic Ball pythons for sale?
We have thousands of exotic Ball Pythons for sale from top breeders from around the world. Try browsing the Ball Pythons Index if you’re looking for something specific. For more information, check out How It Works .
What does a ball python look like in Gambia?
Gray also described four specimens that were collected in Gambia and were preserved in spirits and fluid. The ball python is black or dark brown with light brown blotches on the back and sides. Its white or cream belly is scattered with black markings. It is a stocky snake with a relatively small head and smooth scales.