What is a water well log?
Definition: A well log is a document containing vital information on the construction of the well and the earth materials and formations surrounding it. Contractors must file well logs with their respective states upon completion of new wells.
What is a resource protection well?
(13) “Resource protection well” means a cased boring intended or used to collect subsurface information or to determine the existence or migration of pollutants within an underground formation.
What is the Hirst decision?
In 2016, the Washington State Supreme Court decision known as the “Hirst decision” mandated that counties must consider water availability and the impact of new wells on instream flows for salmon as part of the approval or rejection of building permits.
Why do we need well log data?
Well logs are important to the petroleum industry because they provide numerous rock property measurements, like the reservoir conditions of pressure, temperature, and fluid content. The quality of well logs can vary significantly from one well to the other.
Why do we do well logging?
The main purpose of keeping a well log is to determine the suitability of the well for its intended use. Well logs are also used by researchers to explore the underground. There are different types of well logs depending on drilling needs.
How can we protect ground water sources?
Ways to Protect and Conserve Groundwater
- Go Native. Use native plants in your landscape.
- Reduce Chemical Use.
- Manage Waste.
- Don’t Let It Run.
- Fix the Drip.
- Wash Smarter.
- Water Wisely.
- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Why is protecting groundwater important?
Groundwater is an essential source of water for drinking, irrigation, municipal uses, and industrial processes, due to its relative abundance and high quality. For many parts of the country, it is the only freshwater option, and other areas heavily rely on groundwater during droughts.
What is an exempt well in Washington state?
Permit-Exempt Wells & Water Rights Permit-exempt wells are authorized through RCW 90.44. 050. This state law allows use of groundwater for specific purposes without the need to obtain a water rights permit. Although these permit-exempt uses don’t require a water right permit, you are still subject to state water law.
What is the purpose of wells?
Basically, a well is a hole drilled into the ground to access water contained in an aquifer. A pipe and a pump are used to pull water out of the ground, and a screen filters out unwanted particles that could clog the pipe.
Why do the scientists are doing well logging?
What is a log and its purpose?
Logarithmic scales are useful for quantifying the relative change of a value as opposed to its absolute difference. Moreover, because the logarithmic function log(x) grows very slowly for large x, logarithmic scales are used to compress large-scale scientific data.
What is geophysical well logging?
Geophysical well logging (borehole logging,) is a set of borehole investigation methods that are based on special logging tools. First developed in the beginning of the 20th century, well logging comprises today several tens of methods that involve measurements of natural or induced physical fields in the borehole.
How can groundwater quality be improved?
Top 10 List
- Go Native. Use native plants in your landscape.
- Reduce Chemical Use. Use fewer chemicals around your home and yard, and make sure to dispose of them properly – don’t dump them on the ground!
- Manage Waste.
- Don’t Let It Run.
- Fix the Drip.
- Wash Smarter.
- Water Wisely.
- Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
What is groundwater resource management?
● Groundwater resources management has to deal with balancing the exploitation of a complex resource. (in terms of quantity, quality and surface water interactions) with the increasing demands of water and land users (who can pose a threat to resource availability and quality).
How can you protect groundwater quality?
How can we protect groundwater from pollution?
What can I do to reduce pollution?
- properly dispose of all waste; don’t dump chemicals down drains or on the ground.
- test underground fuel oil tanks for leaks; if possible, replace them above ground.
- safely store all chemicals and fuels.
- minimize the use of chemicals; always use according to directions.
What is a well report (or well log)?
A well report (or well log) is used to describe the location, ownership, construction details, and lithology for either a completed resource protection or water supply well. The report is completed and signed by the individual who constructs the well. All reports must be submitted to us within 30 days following the completion of the well.
What is well logging and why is it important?
Well logging is actually used not just for water wells, but also for oil wells. Researchers also use well logging as a means to perform geothermal, geotechnical, and environmental studies. Well logs tell researchers how deep certain formations are and what types of formations are present underground.
What is a geophysical well log?
The log may be based either on visual inspection of samples brought to the surface ( geological logs) or on physical measurements made by instruments lowered into the hole ( geophysical logs). Some types of geophysical well logs can be done during any phase of a well’s history: drilling, completing, producing, or abandoning.
How is data recorded in a well log?
The data itself is recorded either at surface (real-time mode), or in the hole (memory mode) to an electronic data format and then either a printed record or electronic presentation called a “well log” is provided to the client, along with an electronic copy of the raw data.