What is an example of a reterritorialization?
It is the design of the new power. For example, when the Spanish conquered the Aztecs, and after the Spanish deterritorialized by eliminating the symbols of the Aztecs’ beliefs and rituals, the Spanish then reterritorialized by putting up their own beliefs and rituals.
What is globalization and deterritorialization?
Globalization creates ties across space and is therefore often equated with ‘deterritorialization’. This feature would seem to spell trouble for nation-states: if globalization transcends national boundaries, states’ role in world society should diminish.
What is reterritorialization of culture?
Reterritorialization is when people within a place start to produce an aspect of popular culture themselves, doing so in the context of their local culture and making it their own.
What is a deterritorialized state?
In critical theory, deterritorialization is the process by which a social relation, called a territory, has its current organization and context altered, mutated or destroyed. The components then constitute a new territory, which is the process of reterritorialization.
What is religious deterritorialization?
These entities reterritorialized people based on the belief system that those who practice a specific religion are more virtuous they are morally superior and some are marginalized show In this way, territories and social interactions are deterritorialized reterritorialized.
Who coined deterritorialization?
Deterritorialization is a concept most often associated with Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s (1987 [1980]) A Thousand Plateaus, as well as Paul Virilio’s (1986 [1977]) Speed and Politics.
What do we mean by John tomlinsons idea of deterritorialization?
The term deterritorialization first occurs in French psychoanalytic theory to refer, broadly, to the fluid and dissipated nature of human subjectivity in contemporary capitalist cultures (Deleuze & Guatarri 1972). Its most common use, however, has been in relation to the process of cultural globalization.
Why does deterritorialization happen?
Who have given the idea of deterritorialization of culture?
What is Territorialization mean?
or territorialise (ˌtɛrɪˈtɔːrɪəˌlaɪz ) verb (transitive) to make a territory of. to place on a territorial basis. the militia was territorialized.
What is the difference between glocalization and Grobalization?
Grobalization allows the expansion of ideas to fit the norm of the nation in order to increase their power, influence and profits. Glocalization is the interpretation of the global and the local, resulting in unique outcomes in different geographic areas.
What are some examples of placelessness?
Placeless landscapes are seen as those that have no special relationship to the places in which they are located—they could be anywhere; roadside strip shopping malls, gas/petrol stations and convenience stores, fast food chains, and chain department stores have been cited as examples of placeless landscape elements.
What is a Deterritorialized state?
What is Grobalization in globalization?
Grobalization refers to imperialistic goals, desires, and needs of large corporations, or even entire countries, to impose themselves in various areas of the world so that their power, influence, and profits can grow.
What’s the difference between Globalisation and Glocalisation?
Globalization is defined as the process of localizing a concept or idea that is on a global level to a scale that fits the local or regional needs. Glocalization in economics is the launching and cultural appropriation of a product to be accepted among the local customers.
What is meant by Placelessness?
Meaning of placelessness in English the fact of not being in, or connected with, any particular place: He is experiencing a feeling of placelessness.
What is deterritorialization of Culture?
Deterritorialization: Declining significance of the geographic location in which culture exists. According to Deleuze and Guattari, society is already tending towards the limit of absolute deterritorialization. Analyze the three main perspectives discussed in this chapter with respect to the deterritorialization of culture.
What is an example of deterritorialization in psychology?
The idea is developed in Capitalism and Schizophrenia, a work by philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. One of the first examples of deterritorialization they describe is how the understanding of the psyche was revolutionized by Freud ‘s concept of libido and thus deterritorialized.
What is deterritorialization of home?
‘This deterritorialization of home also suggests that, although potentially powerful, physical place itself can become oppressive and imprisoning, in that it is often tied down by established scenes, symbols, and routines.’
What does Rosecrance say about deterritorialization?
‘Rosecrance also sees deterritorialization, and advocates surrender to economic forces in a mobile, meritocratic world.’ ‘Let yourself be carried along by this great wave of deterritorialization to a place where memory, pleasure and pain melt together, mixing and morphing forever.’