What is an operating schedule?
The operating schedule is a statement of the steps the applicant proposes to take to promote the licensing objectives. You need to satisfy the responsible authorities and any other interested parties (such as local residents), that you can run the premises responsibly and in accordance with the licensing objectives.
What is the aim of the 4 licensing objectives?
the prevention of crime and disorder; public safety; the prevention of public nuisance; the protection of children from harm.
What’s a premises Licence?
What is a premises licence? Premises at which entertainment and certain other activities including the sale of alcohol are provided are required to be licensed under the Licensing Act 2003 (the Act). The premises licence is valid for the life of the business supplying alcohol and/or regulated entertainment.
Can you give alcohol away for free UK?
Free alcohol at charity events Your charity can give alcohol away at events or meetings without a licence, but you must make it clear that the value of the alcohol is not included in any ticket price or entrance fee.
How many members are in a licensing committee?
15 Members
The Licensing Committee is made up of 15 Members of the Council. The meetings are open to the public to attend. A timetable for meeting dates and deadlines can be found here.
What are the three types of Licences issued under the Act?
Premises and club licence summary There are three main types of licence under the Licensing Act 2003 – Premises Licences, Club Premises Certificates and Personal Licences.
Does a premises licence need to be displayed?
You must display the ‘licence summary’ at your premises where it can be easily seen. The other pages of the licence should be kept safely at the premises. Police or council officers can ask to inspect them at any time.
Does a licensee need to be on the premises?
As a personal licence holder you DO NOT have to be present at, or on the premises during, the sale of alcohol.
What are the 3 types of licence?
There are three types of licence under the Gambling Act 2005.
- Operating Licence. An Operating Licence permits a licensee to operate specific gambling facilities, for example.
- Personal Licence. For those responsible for managing and operating the gambling facilities permitted under an operational licence.
- Premises Licence.
Who is in a licensing committee?
The Licensing Committee consists of ten members of the Council with up to five sub-committees each consisting of three members of the main Committee. Every member of the main Licensing Committee acts as substitute for any member sitting on any Licensing Sub-Committee or Urgency Sub Committee.
Does a personal licence holder have to be on site at all times UK?
In every licensed premises that is authorised for the sale by retail of alcohol, one personal licence holder must be specified as the DPS. A DPS does not have to be present at the licensed premises at all times but they must be easy to contact when not present.
Do pubs have to display ABV?
If accommodation is available, the cost must be displayed; If you have CCTV, a notice informing customers that they are in an area where CCTV is being used should be displayed — Data Protection Act 1998. The declaration of the alcohol by volume (ABV) content must be shown or displayed — Food Labelling Regulations 1996.
Do you have to show ABV on menu?
The alcohol by volume (ABV) of all alcoholic drinks must also be displayed as well, either on a menu/price list or on optics/beer engine clips.