What is CML method?
CML is a procedure used to estimate the measure of environmental impact that is caused by the product. This method uses various impact categories such as eutrophication, ionization radiation, aquatic ecotoxicity, land use, and human toxicity [58].
What are the major steps of LCA?
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a framework for assessing the environmental impacts of product systems and decisions. The steps in LCA are (1) goal and scope definition, (2) life cycle inventory analysis (LCI), (3) life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), and (4) interpretation of the results.
What are environmental impact categories?
The influence of emissions on each impact category as well as the importance of impact categories defined as cost are presented (five impact categories were considered: human health, ecosystem production capacity, non-biological resources, influence on biodiversity, and cultural and recreational value).
What are characterization factors?
The characterization factor is a measure of the aromaticity/paraffinicity of a crude oil or of a crude oil fraction. The Watson K factor will range from less than 10 for highly aromatic hydrocarbons and almost 15 for highly paraffinic hydrocarbons. The range for whole crudes is 10.5 to 12.9.
What is CML and Traci?
CML is the assessment methodology for models save in versions of SOLIDWORKS prior to SOLIDWORKS 2013. TRACI. This methodology was developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. TRACI is based on regional conditions of the United States and can be used to accurately model North American LCA studies.
What does CML stand for in LCA?
Centrum voor Milieukunde Leiden
LCA History: Centrum voor Milieukunde Leiden (CML) The CML Story.
What is the purpose of LCA?
The life cycle assessment (LCA) is an objective process to evaluate the environmental burdens associated with a product, process, or activity by identifying energy and materials used and wastes released to the environment and to evaluate and implement opportunities to affect environmental improvements (ISO, 1999).
What are environmental impact indicators?
The best set of six indicators contained indicators of climate change, ozone depletion, terrestrial ecotoxicity, the combined ecosystem effects of acidification and eutrophication, marine ecotoxicity, and land use (Table 2). The four resource footprints together accounted for an explained variance of 84.3% (Table 2).
How do you calculate characterization factor?
To calculate KUOP or KW,volume average boiling point (VABP) or mean average boiling point is used, respectively. Depending on the value of the Watson characterization factor, crude oils are classified as paraffinic (Kw = 11-12.9), naphthenic (Kw =10-11), or aromatic (Kw <10).
What is a Characterisation factor LCA?
A Characterisation Factor is a quantitative representation of the. (relative) importance of a specific intervention. e.g. the Global Warming Potential (GWP100) of Methane is 22 kg. CO2-eq./kg or the human damage factor (HDF) of PM10 is 300. DALYs/kton.
What is Traci method?
TRACI is an environmental impact assessment tool. It provides characterization factors for Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA), industrial ecology, and sustainability metrics. Characterization factors quantify the potential impacts that inputs and releases have on specific impact categories in common equivalence units.
What is Endpoint LCA?
An endpoint method looks at environmental impact at the end of this cause-effect chain. In this example, it determines the effect on the extinction of species. Endpoint results are typically shown as an impact on human health, ecosystem quality, and resource depletion (figure below).
What does CML stand for?
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is an uncommon type of cancer of the bone marrow — the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. CML causes an increased number of white blood cells in the blood.
What is Cradle to Cradle in LCA?
Abstract. Cradle to Cradle (C2C) offers a positive vision of a future, where products are radically redesigned to be beneficial to humans and the environment. The idea is not to reduce negative impacts (as in LCA), but to increase positive impacts .
What are the 5 main environmental indicators?
Indicator: Species extinction rates and threatened species.
What is the ILCD?
The International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) is an initiative developed by JRC and DG ENV since 2005, with the aim to provide guidance and standards for greater consistency and quality assurance in applying LCA. ILCD publications have been established through a series of extensive public and stakeholder consultations.
What is the ILCD Handbook for LCIA?
ILCD Handbook: Recommendations for Life Cycle Impact Assessment in the European context First edition 41 3 Background information on the evaluation of existing LCIA methods
What impact categories are not recommended in the ILCD system?
Note that for some impact categories there were no existing models and factors that met the criteria for level III. For these impact categories no method is recommended in the ILCD System, as the level of maturity and/or available documentation is considered too limited to facilitate general use.
What databases are available in the ILCD format?
The availability of databases developed in the ILCD format is only growing: Governmental databases, for example, the Malaysian National Database, the Thai National Database, the Italian National LCI Database, etc. In addition, several databases have been converted from SimaPro to ILCD or vice versa.