What is cyathium inflorescence?
What is cyathium inflorescence? Cyathium inflorescence is a special type of cymose inflorescence; wherein there is a cup-like cluster of altered leaves that surrounds a female flower and many male flowers. It appears as a single flower.
What is cyathium give an example?
Cyathium is a type of inflorescence in which a cup-like cluster of modified leaves encloses a female flower and several male flowers. It resembles a single flower. For example, Poinsettia.
Where is cyathium found?
Note: Clusters of flowers formed in euphorbia are known as cyathium or cyathia, and this type of inflorescence is only seen in the genera of euphorbia. They are unisexual and the clusters are either reduced to a single stamen or a single ovary.
How many Sporophylls are present in cyathium inflorescence?
Complete answer: – Five or rarely four bracteoles.
What is called Cyathium?
Definition of cyathium : an inflorescence consisting of a cuplike involucre with the flowers arising from its base (as in the poinsettia)
In which family is Cyathium inflorescence found?
genus Euphorbia
A cyathium (plural: cyathia) is one of the specialised pseudanthia (“false flowers”) forming the inflorescence of plants in the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae).
What is Achlamydeous plant?
Achlamydeous condition refers to the absence of both the calyx and the corolla. Instead, there is a presence of the whorl called perianth. This type of condition is seen in betel, belonging to the family Piperaceae.
What causes poinsettias to change colors?
Many people wonder what makes poinsettias turn red. It is actually the plant’s leaves that provide its color through a process called photoperiodism. This process, in response to certain amounts of light or lack thereof, turns the leaves from green to red (or pink, white, and other shade variations).
What is the meaning of Verticillaster?
Definition of verticillaster : a mixed inflorescence (as in many labiates) consisting of a pair of much-condensed nearly sessile cymes arranged around an axis like a true verticil.
How many female flower are found in a Cyathium?
one female flower
There is only one female flower in a cyathium.
What is the meaning of Hypanthodium?
Hypanthodium is a type of inflorescence in which the fleshy receptacle forms a hollow cavity and has an opening which is known as ostiole.
How many female flowers occur in a Cyathium?
What is Bilabiate Corolla?
A bilabiate (means “two-lipped”) corolla is a zygomorphic, sympetalous corolla with the limb divided into two lips. Lamiaceae (the mint family) typically have bilabiate corollas.
What is Monochlamydeous?
/ (ˌmɒnəʊkləˈmɪdɪəs) / adjective. (of a flower) having a perianth of one whorl of members; not having a separate calyx and corolla.
What is Homochlamydeous?
Definition of homochlamydeous : having a perianth whose inner and outer series are similar or not differentiated into calyx and corolla the lily has a typical homochlamydeous perianth — compare achlamydeae.
How often should you water a poinsettia?
about once a week
In your home, put the poinsettia in a well lighted area away from drafts and heat vents. Water the poinsettia when the pot becomes lightweight or when the soil becomes dry to the touch, about once a week. Water the plant thoroughly in a sink, letting it drain, before putting it back where it was.
What is the meaning of Dichasial cyme?
Definition. A determinate inflorescence in which growth of the central axis is terminated by a flower that opens first and each pair of branches subtending this flower then is terminated by a single flower.
In which plant is Cymose inflorescence?
Which plant shows Cymose inflorescence? Cymose inflorescence is present in plants like Solanum nigrum, Drosera, Begonia, Ranunculus, Jasmine, Calotropis, etc.
What is a pseudanthium?
A pseudanthium (Greek for “false flower”) is an inflorescence that resembles a flower. The word is sometimes used for other structures that are neither a true flower nor a true inflorescence.
What is a cyathium flower?
A cyathium (plural: cyathia) is one of the specialised pseudanthia (“false flowers”) forming the inflorescence of plants in the genus Euphorbia ( Euphorbiaceae ). A cyathium consists of: Five (rarely four) bracteoles.
What is a cyathium in Euphorbia?
In euphorbia milii-large. A cyathium (plural: cyathia) is one of the specialised pseudanthia (“false flowers”) forming the inflorescence of plants in the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). A cyathium consists of: Five (rarely four) bracteoles.
What is the cross section of a cyathium?
Euphorbia tridentata, cross-section of a cyathium. A cyathium (plural: cyathia) is one of the specialised pseudanthia (“false flowers”) forming the inflorescence of plants in the genus Euphorbia ( Euphorbiaceae ). A cyathium consists of: