What is foramen of Morgagni hernia?
Morgagni foramen is a para-retrosternal defect resulting from an incomplete fusion of the septum transversum and sternum with the anterior ribs. Hernias of this foramen are rare. 1,2. Surgical treatment consists of direct closure of the diaphragmatic defect, suturing by transabdominal or transthoracic access.
Where is the foramen of Morgagni?
The foramina of Morgagni, also known as the sternocostal triangles, are small defects in the posterior aspect of the anterior thoracic wall between the sternal and costal attachments of the diaphragm. The internal thoracic vessels descend through these foramina to become the superior epigastric vessels.
Where is the defect in Morgagni hernia?
Morgagni hernia defects usually occur on the right hand side (91%). In 5% of cases the defect is on the left hand side of the sternocostal hiatus and the remaining 4% are bilateral. Although the defect is congenital in origin, presentation is rare in children.
What is Bochdalek foramen?
The lumbocostal triangle (also Bochdalek’s foramen, Bochdalek’s triangle) is a space between the costal and lumbar parts of the diaphragm. The base of this triangular space is formed by muscle attachments originating from the XII rib and muscle fibers attaching to the lateral arcuate ligament.
What is Morgagni?
Morgagni hernia is a rare form of congenital diaphragmatic hernia with a prevalence of 2–3%. It occurs due to a defect on the anterior part of the diaphragm, which allows abdominal organs to penetrate into the thoracic cavity.
Is morgagni hernia A hiatal hernia?
Introduction. Morgagni hernia is rare clinical entity accounting for 3% of all surgically treated diaphragmatic hernias. Similarly, paraesophageal hernia constitutes only 5% of all hiatal hernia. The co-existing of these two hernias is extremely rare with only 10 cases reported in the literature.
Which structure passes through the sinus of Morgagni?
Structures passing through this sinus are: Cartilaginous part of auditory tube. Levator veli palatini muscle. Ascending palatine artery.
What type of hernia is a Bochdalek?
Bochdalek hernia (BH) is a congenital diaphragmatic hernia caused by the failure of the posterolateral diaphragmatic foramina to fuse properly; it results in the displacement of abdominal components into the thoracic cavity [2]. This occurs mainly during the ninth or tenth week of fetal life [2].
What causes Bochdalek hernia?
Bochdalek hernias result from a failure of fusion of the posterolateral diaphragmatic foramina. Although symptomatic Bochadalek hernias are common in the neonatal and early pediatric age groups, they are relatively rare outside of this range.
Can morgagni hernia be acquired?
Acquired anterior diaphragmatic hernia (ADH) is usually the result of thoracic trauma. Acquired Morgagni-type anterior diaphragmatic hernia is a rare complication after cardiac surgery, especially with associated pericardial hernia.
How is Bochdalek hernia diagnosed?
The diagnosis in our patient was ascertained by a combination of chest X-ray and CT. On chest X-ray, a Bochdalek hernia can show up as gas and fluid-filled viscera or, as in our patient, as a pleural effusion. Contrast-enhanced CT is the most useful examination for this diagnosis.
Which side is Bochdalek hernia?
In the majority of people, the affected lung will be deformed, and the resulting lung compression can be life-threatening. Bochdalek hernias occur more commonly on the posterior left side (85%, versus right side 15%). “Bochdalek”, at lumbocostal triangle, labeled in bottom left (Captions in German.)
What is Passavant’s pad?
The Passavant cushion or ridge is a small prominence in the posterior pharynx, formed from a focal bulge of the superior pharyngeal constrictor muscles during swallowing.
What is levator Veli palatini?
The levator veli palatini (levator) muscle is considered to be the primary muscle responsible for velar elevation. As its name implies, it functions to elevate the velum to create closure between the oral and nasal cavities (Moon and Kuehn, 2004).
What is the right fossa of Rosenmuller?
The fossa of Rosenmüller is a bilateral projection of the nasopharynx just below the skull base. It is also called the lateral pharyngeal recess or simply the pharyngeal recess. The fossa is covered by nasopharyngeal mucosa and is the most common site of origin of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC).
What is tensor Palati?
4 The tensor veli palatini muscle is a fusiform muscle that originates at the muscular process of the petrous part of the temporal bone, pterygoid bone, and lateral lamina of the auditory tube, and travels rostroventral along the lateral wall of the nasopharynx lateral to the levator veli palatini.
What nerve Innervates levator veli palatini?
The Lesser Palatine Nerve Innervates the Levator Veli Palatini Muscle.