What is meine Schatz?
(mein) Schatz. (my) darling, sweetheart.
How you say Happy Birthday in German?
The most common way to say “happy birthday” in German is “Alles Gute zum Geburtstag.” Another very common way to wish someone happy birthday is by saying “Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag.” If you missed someone’s birthday and you want to wish them a belated happy birthday, you can say “Herzlichen Glückwunsch …
What is the Bengali meaning of birthday wish?
আমার প্রিয় বোন শুভ জন্মদিন
How do you use Schatz?
A good English translation for “Schatz” is “treasure.” So it refers to someone very “close” to you. The first and most obvious use is for romantic partners. The second likely use is for family members, especially for parents to children, less so for siblings.
Can I call a man Schatz?
Senior Member. No, you wouldn’t say ‘Schatz’ to someone who’s not your man or wife or boy/girlfriend.
How do you say dob in German?
Dates and birthdays
- Wann hast du Geburtstag? – When is your birthday?
- Ich habe am siebten November Geburtstag. – My birthday is on 7th November.
- Mein Geburtstag ist am siebten November. – My birthday is on 7th November.
- Ich habe am siebten elften Geburtstag. – My birthday is on the seventh of the 11th.
Is Mein Schatz feminine?
You would always refer to her as mein Schatz as the word is masculine. When this masculine word refers to a female it is still masculine, and thus requires masculine declension of adverbs and adjectives.
How do you reply Happy Birthday in Japanese?
If you are the one who is being greeted by your friends with such a phrase, it would be wise to simply respond with a hearty 誕生日のお祝いありがとう(pronounced as tanjoubi no oiwai arigatou) to say thank you.
How do you write your birthday in French?
The French, Mon anniversaire est le vingt-deux octobre., can be broken down into 6 parts:”my (masculine singular)” (mon), “birthday” (anniversaire), “is (3rd person singular)” (est), “the (masculine)” (le), “22 (twenty-two)” (vingt-deux) and “October” (octobre).