What is open debate forum?
Public Forum debate is a widespread form of middle and high school competitive debate which centers on current events and relies on both logic and evidence to construct arguments.
What is public forum debate format?
Public Forum involves opposing teams of two, debating a topic concerning a current event. Proceeding a coin toss, the winners choose which side to debate (PRO or CON) or which speaker position they prefer (1st or 2nd), and the other team receives the remaining option.
Is public forum debate hard?
Well, basically because PF is a difficult event. For starters, the topic changes almost every month, so while debaters and coaches are involved with tournaments on one topic, they are preparing for the next month.
What is the final focus in Public Forum debate?
The final focus in Public Forum (PF) is the last speech that each side gives in the round. Importantly, it is the last speech the judge hears before they make their decision, so ending on a good note is critical. The final focus is also the shortest speech in the debate, clocking in at just two minutes.
What are the four common types of debate?
There are four distinct types of debate topics: Empirical, Comparative, Model, and Abstract. Any given subject matter can be used for any type of debate – the difference is in how debaters are expected to approach the topic.
How do you win a public forum debate?
Speaking well and confidently is among the most important things you can do to win over a traditional (“lay” or “flay”) judge. This consists of modulating your tone, making eye contact, minimizing stuttering and/or fluency breaks, and using a mix of ethos, pathos, and logos to persuade your judge.
What is a forum used for?
A forum is an online discussion board where people can ask questions, share their experiences, and discuss topics of mutual interest. Forums are an excellent way to create social connections and a sense of community. They can also help you to cultivate an interest group about a particular subject.
Is a forum a meeting?
A forum is a public discussion. It can refer to a meeting, a meeting house or any conversation that is available publicly. There were forums — large public gathering places — in Ancient Rome; they can still be found across the globe.