What is payment antonym?
Antonyms. nonpayment dishonor disapproval refrain penalty finish distrust. defrayment rendering remuneration amortization disbursal.
What is another word for payee?
In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for payee, like: recipient, receiver, wage-earner, seller, remitter, worker, laborer, registrant and cardholder.
What is payee and payer?
In the case of a promissory note, through which one party promises to pay another party a predetermined sum, the party receiving the payment is known as the payee. The party making the payment is known as the payer.
What is an antonym for beneficiary?
What is the synonym of recipient?
Synonyms & Near Synonyms for recipient. beneficiary, donee, giftee.
What do you mean by payee?
Legal Definition of payee : a person to whom money is to be or has been paid specifically : the person named in a bill of exchange, note, or check as the one to whom the amount is directed to be paid — compare drawee, drawer.
Who is payer?
Definition of payer : one that pays especially : the person by whom a bill or note has been or should be paid He is a prompt bill payer.
Is the payee the recipient?
On a check, the payee is the person or organization to whom the check is written. For online payments, you provide payee (or recipient) information when setting up automatic transfers. The Social Security Administration can appoint a representative payee to receive and manage funds for a beneficiary.
What is the opposite of recipient?
Opposite of a person or thing that receives or is awarded something. donor. giver. patron. benefactor.
What is non remunerated?
Non-remunerative work is a kind of work which is non-profitable in terms of money, i.e. one does not receive money from whatever he/she doing.In such cases, person works for free, may be to gain experience. examples include voluntary work, charity work.
Which is correct remuneration or renumeration?
Is it renumeration or remuneration? Remuneration is a noun that means the act of giving payments for work or services. Renumeration is a misspelling.
What is the opposite of the receiver?
Opposite of a person who gets or accepts something that has been sent or given to them. donor. giver. patron. benefactor.
What is the suffix of payee?
Payee uses the suffix -ee, which means “recipient.”
What does name of payer mean?
the person named in a bill or note who has to pay the holder.
What is the opposite of payee?
Payee antonyms. Top antonyms for payee (opposite of payee) are correspondent, donor and giver.
What is the meaning of payee?
payee. Opposite of a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
What is fictitious person as payee?
When necessary the name of the payee is also removed and another name inserted. The doctrine of the fictitious person as payee may also exonerate a banker who has paid an order bill to a wrongful possessor.
Is a bill payable to the payee or the bearer?
If the payee is a fictitious person the bill may be treated as payable to bearer . Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.