What is servo S ventilator?
Siemens Maquet SERVO-s Features This Maquet ventilator has been designed for both shelf mounting and in-hospital transport with a mobile cart. It supports invasive and non-invasive ventilation with leakage compensation for non-invasive ventilation modes for all patient types.
What is a ventilator machine?
Mechanical ventilators are machines that act as bellows to move air in and out of your lungs. Your respiratory therapist and doctor set the ventilator to control how often it pushes air into your lungs and how much air you get. You may be fitted with a mask to get air from the ventilator into your lungs.
How does a Servo I ventilator work?
In this controlled mode of ventilation the ventilator delivers the preset Tidal Volume with a constant flow during the preset Inspiratory time with the preset Pause time and at the preset Respiratory rate. The Peak pressure can vary from breath to breath if the patients compliance and resistance changes.
What are the 4 phases of mechanical ventilation?
There are four stages of mechanical ventilation. There is the trigger phase, the inspiratory phase, the cycling phase, and the expiratory phase.
Why choose the Getinge Maquet servo-s ventilator?
The Getinge Maquet Servo-s ventilator features a wide range of ventilation modes that can be tailored to specific clinical situations. The Servo-s has a large intuitive user-interface that provides valuable decision-support information. This Maquet ventilator has been designed for both shelf mounting and in-hospital transport with a mobile cart.
What is the Maquet servo-U?
The Maquet SERVO-U is the next step forward in making protective ventilation more accessible, understandable and easy to implement. It is designed to enhance user confidence in tailoring treatments to the individual patient condition.
What is the servo-s?
The Servo-s has a large intuitive user-interface that provides valuable decision-support information. This Maquet ventilator has been designed for both shelf mounting and in-hospital transport with a mobile cart.
What is a Maquet ventilator?
This Maquet ventilator has been designed for both shelf mounting and in-hospital transport with a mobile cart. It supports invasive and non-invasive ventilation with leakage compensation for non-invasive ventilation modes for all patient types. Invasive and non-invasive ventilation with leakage compensation. User friendly user-interface.