What is the broselow system?
Broselow Kit. The Broselow™ system is a color-coded system that helps provide quick and accurate medication dosing by utilizing length to categorize pediatric patients using color zones. The system also offers immediate access to crucial pre-sized emergency equipment.
How does Broselow Tape work?
A, The Broselow tape is a color-coded tape measure that, by height, assigns the child into one of eight color zones containing both medication dosing and equipment information useful for trauma resuscitation.
Is there a 2021 Broselow Tape?
Revised in 2021 to include 2020 PALS protocols. A color-coded synthetic pediatric emergency tape with emergency med dosing. Zones are compatible with the Broselow Tape®. More medications, equipment and concentrations than on competing products.
What is the Handtevy system?
The Handtevy Pediatric System is the leading platform designed to give clinical teams rapid access to lifesaving dosing, equipment and drip information while documenting every critical action accurately.
What is in a broselow cart?
During an emergency, the Broselow Pediatric Emergency Tape is used to measure the patient’s height, and the appropriate color-coded drawer is then opened. Each drawer contains all the equipment necessary for airway management and intravascular access to resuscitate a patient in that specific length/ weight range.
How accurate is Broselow Tape?
Broselow Pediatric Emergency Tape was accurate for estimating weight in 312 children (58.0%). It underestimated weight in 158 children (29.4%) and overestimated weight in 68 children (12.6%).
What is the most current Broselow Tape?
Broselow™ Pediatric Emergency Tape, 2019 Edition.
Is Broselow Tape still used?
The Broselow6 tape is one of the most widely used methods of length-based resuscitation tape (LBT) recommended by Pediatric Advanced Life Support and the Advanced Trauma Life Support to reduce medication errors during simulated pediatric emergencies.
What is pediatric color coding?
Yellow: 12-14 kg. White: 15-18 kg. Blue: 19-23 kg. Orange: 24-29 kg. Green: 30-36 kg.
What’s in a Broselow cart?
Respiratory nebulizer.
Is Handtevy free?
Handtevy Pediatric Pre-hospital Instructor Courses are held at select locations throughout the country. The CAPCE approved 8-hour course costs $299.00 and provides a 2-year certification.
Who invented Handtevy?
Peter Antevy
Peter Antevy, the company’s founder, practicing pediatric emergency medicine physician and EMS Medical Director, experienced years of stress and discomfort while resuscitating children using the tools that were accepted as the industry standard. Necessity being the mother of invention, in 2006 Dr.
What is Pediatric color coding?
What is the most current broselow tape?
What is Pawper tape?
The PAWPER tape: A new concept tape-based device that increases the accuracy of weight estimation in children through the inclusion of a modifier based on body habitus. Resuscitation. 2013 Feb;84(2):227-32.
What age is Broselow Tape used for?
The tape may is recommended for use on any child under the age of 12 years old. For any child that is longer than the tape, the practitioner should use adult dosages and equipment. for the calculation of drug doses and equipment size in the pediatric population, it must be used correctly.
What is the newest Broselow Tape?
Broselow™ Pediatric Emergency Tape, 2019 Edition
- Must ship to a medical facility.
- Updated Epinephrine Nomenclature.
- The Orginally Developed Pediatric Emergency Tape.
What’s in a broselow cart?
What is the Handtevy system used for?
It uses both age and length for pediatric resuscitation decisions, and allows providers to begin considering treatment decisions prior to patient contact. The Handtevy Method is taught by first associating five ages with their corresponding weights in kilograms via a finger counting method on your hand.
What is the Broselow system?
The Broselow® system helps ensure accurate medication dosing while utilizing height to categorize patients in color zones. The system also offers immediate access to crucial pre-sized emergency equipment. It includes seven specific modules, manual resuscitation equipment and a medication dosage guide. (2016 BD)
What is Broselow pediatric resuscitation system?
Broselow Pediatric Resuscitation System. Includes twenty-eight size-specific procedural modules in seven pouches, flying carpet, Broselow™ Pediatric Emergency Tape, and all other equipment shown in photo. All contained in a heavy-duty ALS equipment organizer. The Broselow Pediatric Emergency System is approved for the PALS education program.
What is the Broselow Hinkle pediatric safety system?
The Broselow Hinkle pediatric safety system utilizes color to categorize patients and simplify emergency care. The system consists of the Broselow Rainbow tape, a reusable guide containing information regarding common drug dosing and emergency equipment at the most chaotic of times.
How many modules are included in the Broselow™ emergency tape?
Includes twenty-eight size-specific procedural modules in seven pouches, flying carpet, Broselow™ Pediatric Emergency Tape, and all other equipment shown in photo. All contained in a heavy-duty ALS equipment organizer.