What is the hand signal for Girl Scouts?
The Girl Scout sign is made when saying the Girl Scout Promise. The sign is formed with the right hand, using the thumb to hold down the little finger, leaving the middle fingers extended to represent the Promise’s three parts. This circle is often formed at the end of meetings or campfires as a closing ceremony.
What are the hand signals in scouting?
Scouts BSA, Venturers and Sea Scouts use the three finger sign and salute. The Scout Sign is performed with the upper arm parallel to the ground and the forearm vertical, forming a right angle at the elbow. The Scout Sign is used when reciting any of the ideals of the BSA such as the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Can give whistle signals to the scouts?
Here are some whistle signals for Scout wide games. One long blast means “Silence”, “Alert”; “Look out for my next signal”. A succession of long, slow blasts means “Go out”, “Get farther away”, or “Advance”, “Extend,” “Scatter”. A succession of short, sharp blasts means “Rally”, “Close in”,”Come together”, “Fall in”.
How do Girl Scouts salute the flag?
The right hand, to any observer, is the observer’s left. Therefore, as used in the Flag Code, the flag and/or blue field is displayed to the left of the observer, which is the flag’s “own right.” When saluting the flag, Girl Scouts use the civilian salute of placing the right hand over the heart.
How do Girl Scouts greet each other?
The Girl Scout handshake is the way many Girl Guides and Girl Scouts greet each other. They shake their left hands while making the Girl Scout sign with their right hand. The Friendship Circle is often formed at the end of meetings or campfires as a closing ceremony.
What are whistle signals?
Three of anything (whistle blasts, fires, rifle shots, piles of rocks, flashes of light, etc.) is universally recognized as a distress signal. Each blast/signal should last about three seconds and should be repeated at regular intervals.
What does swaps stand for in Girl Scouts?
SWAPS stands for “Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere.” They are small tokens of friendship that Girl Scouts exchange with one another, and each SWAP uniquely reflects a fellow Girl Scout, their troop, or a memory of a special event.
Which nation has the largest Scout population?
Indonesia has the highest number of Scouts The national Scouting organisation of Indonesia, Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia, has over 17 million members making it the world’s largest Scouting organisation.
How do you end a Girl Scout meeting?
For closing, often girls gather in a friendship circle and sing “Taps” or “Make New Friends”. Some variations include a friendship circle with the passing of a hand squeeze.
What does 2 whistle mean?
In either a head to head or overtaking situation, if you are going to LEAVE the other vessel on YOUR port side, it is a one whistle pass. If you are going to LEAVE the other vessel on YOUR starboard side, it is a two whistle pass.
What do two whistles mean?
This is how we have come to remember whistle signals. In either a head to head or overtaking situation, if you are going to LEAVE the other vessel on YOUR port side, it is a one whistle pass. If you are going to LEAVE the other vessel on YOUR starboard side, it is a two whistle pass.
Are there Girl Scouts in other countries?
Through its membership in the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), Girl Scouts of the USA is part of a worldwide family of 10 million girls and adults in 146 countries.