What is the hottest month in Hayward CA?
The hottest month of the year in Hayward is August, with an average high of 76°F and low of 58°F. The cool season lasts for 2.4 months, from November 29 to February 11, with an average daily high temperature below 60°F.
Does Hayward have snow?
Hayward, California gets 18 inches of rain, on average, per year. The US average is 38 inches of rain per year. Hayward averages 0 inches of snow per year.
How strong is the wind in Hayward?
Hayward, Hayward Air Terminal (KHWD)
Humidity | 72% |
Wind Speed | SW 5 MPH |
Barometer | 30.04 in (1017.27 mb) |
Dewpoint | 50°F (10°C) |
Visibility | 10.00 mi |
What was the high temperature in Hayward today?
High 71F. Winds W at 10 to 20 mph. Partly to mostly cloudy. Low 58F.
How many degrees is Hayward in California?
It is 61 degrees fahrenheit, or 16 degrees celsius and feels like 59 degrees fahrenheit. The barometric pressure is 30.07 – measured by inch of mercury units – and is falling since its last observation.
How many inches of snow did Hayward WI get?
Climate Averages
Hayward, Wisconsin | United States | |
Snowfall | 60.9 in. | 27.8 in. |
Precipitation | 115.3 days | 106.2 days |
Sunny | 178 days | 205 days |
Avg. July High | 80.4° | 85.8° |
What was the weather yesterday in Hayward California?
Hayward, CA Weather Historystar_ratehome
Time | Temperature | Condition |
12:17 AM | 55 °F | Partly Cloudy |
12:53 AM | 56 °F | Fair |
1:53 AM | 55 °F | Fair |
2:53 AM | 54 °F | Fair |
How hot was it yesterday in Hayward?
Hayward Weather History for the Previous 24 Hours
Conditions | Comfort | |
Time | Temp | Humidity |
6:54 pm | 60 °F | 72% |
5:54 pm | 61 °F | 70% |
3:54 pm | 63 °F | 65% |
What is the latitude and longitude of Hayward California?
37.6688° N, 122.0810° WHayward / Coordinates
How cold does it get in Hayward Wisconsin?
The hottest month of the year in Hayward is July, with an average high of 80°F and low of 57°F. The cold season lasts for 3.3 months, from November 26 to March 3, with an average daily high temperature below 34°F. The coldest month of the year in Hayward is January, with an average low of 4°F and high of 22°F.
How much snow does Cable Wi have?
Climate Averages
Cable, Wisconsin | United States | |
Snowfall | 62.3 in. | 27.8 in. |
Precipitation | 118.7 days | 106.2 days |
Sunny | 179 days | 205 days |
Avg. July High | 78.9° | 85.8° |
How much snow does Hayward WI get?
What is the barometric pressure for Hayward Wisconsin?
29.81in Barometer
29.81in Barometer 78% Humidity South 17.3mph Wind | |
Mostly Cloudy |
How much snow does Minocqua have?
Climate Averages
Minocqua, Wisconsin | United States | |
Snowfall | 78.6 in. | 27.8 in. |
Precipitation | 126.6 days | 106.2 days |
Sunny | 188 days | 205 days |
Avg. July High | 76.3° | 85.8° |
How much snow did Tomahawk WI get?
Climate Averages
Tomahawk, Wisconsin | United States | |
Snowfall | 54.4 in. | 27.8 in. |
Precipitation | 116.2 days | 106.2 days |
Sunny | 191 days | 205 days |
Avg. July High | 77.5° | 85.8° |
How much snow did Hayward WI get?
Is there snow on the ground in Minocqua?
Snow and Ice Outlook There are currently no active snow events at this location.
How much snow does Mercer Wisconsin have?
Mercer (zip 54547), Wisconsin gets 33 inches of rain, on average, per year. The US average is 38 inches of rain per year. Mercer (zip 54547) averages 115 inches of snow per year. The US average is 28 inches of snow per year.
How thick is the ice in Hayward Wisconsin?
15-20 inches
Hayward Lakes VCB According to many reports, ice thickness is 15-20 inches on most Hayward area lakes. Always go with caution, however, and practice ice fishing safety protocols regarding travel and equipment. Walleye: Walleye action is fair, but anglers making the effort are catching fish.