What is the main conflict described in the above passage Tears of a Tiger?
Q. Which of the following is the central conflict in Tears of a Tiger? Keisha and Andy are fighting about their dating relationship.
Why did BJ sit behind Rob?
B.J., the smallest in the group, sits directly behind 6’5′ Rob in the back seat so that Rob has extra room to stretch his legs in Andy’s little red Chevette. B.J. is the one who gets in the least amount of trouble because he doesn’t drink.
What does the tiger symbolize in Tears of a Tiger?
Tigers usually symbolize strength and power. In this tragic story, the tiger represents Andy’s failed attempts at remaining strong. Tigers are powerful animals like Andy is powerful. But when tigers are locked up in cages, they lose that power.
How does Andy feel about his relationship with Keisha?
Andy and Keisha seem to have a close, affectionate relationship, but things soon begin to get difficult after the car crash. Keisha tries to be there for Andy during his escalating depression, but his behavior gets increasingly erratic and she eventually breaks up with him.
What are three themes of Tears of a Tiger?
Lesson Summary Three key themes in Sharon M. Draper’s Tears of Tiger are death, guilt/blame, and race. High school students generally feel invincible, but Rob’s tragic death teaches the students at Hazelwood High that they aren’t, and that sometimes there are fatal consequences to bad decisions.
How does Andy feel about his parents?
Like most teenagers, Andy feels like his parents don’t really get him. Sound familiar? He complains that his “mother lives in ‘la- la land'” (5.51)—she always wants her hair and make-up to be just perfect. So much so, in fact, that she can’t even stand going to a basketball game because there’s too much sweat there.
Why did Andy commit suicide?
Andy is told to keep pressing on, to act normally, as though nothing happened—just like the tiger at the zoo—but he can’t do that anymore. He knows he’ll never escape his cage (a.k.a. his guilt), so he decides to commit suicide instead. It’s the only way out of confinement that Andy can see.
Why does Andy think Tigers have it rough?
Tigers Have It Rough Andy thinks about being a tiger, and how tough it is to roam around alone. He’s cold now—on the inside; he feels nothing and doesn’t know how to change it. Andy’s not sure he wants to die, but he’s just in so much pain and doesn’t want to live anymore.
What do tears Symbolise?
Tears represent realization, acceptances and embracement. Realization of truth, acceptance of reality and embracement of a new self. It is one of the best means living beings express the “inexplicable”.
What was Andy’s punishment?
Andy and the boys are questioned by the police, and Andy is given a suspended sentence. The judge knows he was drinking and driving, but the guy’s still in high school, so he doesn’t head to jail. Andy feels like the judge went too easy on him—he wishes his sentence were more severe.
What do we learn about Andy’s parents from Rhonda’s letter?
Andy’s Mom Acts Weird In a letter to her friend, Rhonda (one of Andy’s friends) writes that Mrs. Jackson has started to behave strangely. She rarely comes to Andy’s basketball games, but when she does she wears a silk dress, high heels and a leather coat. The other moms wear sweat suits.
What is the main idea of Tears of a Tiger?
Why did Andy’s dad change his name Tears of a Tiger?
” His dad tells him a long story about how his father named him Ezekeil and how this had a negative impact on his life as business man. So he named his son Andrew so he wouldn’t have the same struggles. He wanted his son to have a name he could be proud of. Andy comments that it sounds like his dad wanted to be white.
How did Andy dig the tunnel?
Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption is digging the tunnel to escape through the wall of his cell. He digs slowly and desperses the excavated material in the prison yard so that it doesn’t accumulate in the cell.
What are tears made from?
Our tears are made up of three components: lipid (oil), water and mucus. Each of these layers serves their own purpose. The oily layer is the outside of the tear film. It smooths the tear surface and keeps your tears from drying up too quickly.
How do tears form?
The lacrimal gland produces tears. These tears drain through two small openings called the upper and lower puncta, then through the canaliculus and into the lacrimal sac. They drop into the nasolacrimal duct and drain into the back of the nose and throat.
What metaphor does the coach use to describe Andy?
What metaphor does the coach use to describe Andy? He says Andy is the “glue” holding the team together.