What is the main point of Lumen Gentium?
You see the Church itself is Lumen Gentium – which means: Light of the Nations. It is through oneness to Christ and his Church that we will achieve perfection one day in the glory of God’s presence.
Who made Lumen Gentium?
Pope Paul VI
Lumen Gentium: The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church is one of the principal documents of the Second Vatican Council. This dogmatic constitution was promulgated by Pope Paul VI on November 21, 1964, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,151 to 5.
Is there salvation outside the Catholic Church?
This statement by Pope Pius was further explained by the Second Vatican Council . It was made clear that although salvation can only come through Christ Jesus and the Catholic Church (of which Jesus is the Head), people outside of the Church can also achieve salvation.
What is unique about Lumen Gentium?
It affirms the ancient Church practices of remembering the saints and imploring their intercession. It affirms “the sacred Liturgy, wherein the power of the Holy Spirit acts upon us through sacramental signs” and anticipates worship in heaven.
Where in the Bible does it say the Catholic Church is the one true Church?
Matthew 16:18
Their doctrine of the one true church, based on Matthew 16:18 and other Scriptures, emphasizes the succession of true doctrine, practice, and teachers through the centuries, and the authority of the church under Christ.
Is the Catholic Church the only true church?
This view is maintained by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox communion, the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Churches of Christ, and the Lutheran Churches, as well as certain Baptists.
What is the first step to sanctification?
Justification is seen as an initial step of acknowledging God’s holiness, with sanctification as, through the grace and power of God, entering into it. A key scripture is Hebrews 12:14: “Follow after…holiness, without which no one shall see the Lord.”
Can you be justified but not sanctified?
However, those who are justified must not neglect the work of Christ in their lives, after they are born again. The justified are also commanded to be sanctified, to become more holy.