What is the meaning of auspices?
Definition of auspice 1 auspices plural : kindly patronage and guidance doing research under the auspices of the local historical society. 2 : a prophetic sign especially : a favorable sign. 3 : observation by an augur especially of the flight and feeding of birds to discover omens.
How do you use auspice in a sentence?
(1) The examination was held under the auspices of the government. (2) The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices. (3) The association is under the auspices of Word Bank. (4) The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative.
What is a legal auspice?
If an organization authorizes you to do a specific task, even if you don’t work for them directly, you are working under their auspices.
What is a public auspice?
An auspice arrangement is when a larger organisation assists a smaller organisation to fund a grant activity or event. The larger organisation is known as the auspice organisation. Your community group or organisation is known as the grant recipient.
What does auspice mean in business?
Can people be auspicious?
The definition of auspicious is a situation that is positive or indicative of good things to come or is someone who is lucky.
What does under his auspices mean?
with the help and support of
Definition of under the auspices of formal. : with the help and support of (someone or something) The donation was made under the auspices of the local historical society. The research is being done under the auspices of the federal government.
What is the synonym of auspicious?
- bright,
- encouraging,
- fair,
- golden,
- heartening,
- hopeful,
- likely,
- optimistic,
How does auspice work?
What is public auspice?
Is Friday an auspicious day?
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are considered to be the auspicious days to start the medicine.
What does auspicious mean in the Bible?
favored by fortune; prosperous; fortunate.