What is the meaning of the best and the brightest?
the best and (the) brightest The most skilled, accomplished, intelligent, and quick thinking people available.
How many pages is the best and the brightest?
Print length. 720 pages.
Who wrote the best and the brightest?
David HalberstamThe Best and the Brightest / Author
David Halberstam was a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and the author of numerous books, including The Best and the Brightest, The Powers That Be, The Reckoning, Summer of ’49, Playing for Keeps, and War in a Time of Peace. He died in April 2007.
Does not register Meaning?
a : not having entered one’s name on a voting list unregistered voters.
What is opposite of register?
Opposite of to enter or record information or data on an official list or directory. remove. erase. delist. deregister.
Is fractured another word for broken?
Fractured Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for fractured?
broken | fragmented |
busted | split |
cracked | cleft |
fissured | destroyed |
demolished | crushed |
Is Disenrolling a word?
to dismiss or cause to become removed from a program of training, care, etc.: The academy disenrolled a dozen cadets.
Which is correct catalog or catalogue?
Catalogue and catalog are both acceptable spellings. Catalog is most popular in American English. Catalogue is the most common form in other parts of the world.
What is the word for all over the place?
chaotic, disorganized, jumbled, undisciplined, common, inescapable, omnipresent, prevalent, rife, ubiquitous, universal, untidy, haphazardly, randomly, confused, deranged, disarranged, discombobulated, disconnected, disjointed.
What is a disenrollment?
/ˌdɪs.ɪnˈrəʊl.mənt/ the fact of someone’s name being removed from a list, for example a list of members of an organization or of a medical care program: Only 10 to 13 percent of students returned to the institution one year after temporary disenrollment.
What means disenrollment?
: to remove (as a name) from a roll broadly : to release (an individual) from membership in an organization (as from a military reserve)
Is catalogue British word?
Catalogue is the standard spelling of the same word in British English. It is also a noun and a verb, and can be used in all of the same contexts as catalog.
What is the brightest planet in the night sky?
Visible planets,stars,the moon and more. The waxing crescent moon and Jupiter are near one another the evening of February 2,2022.
What are the ten brightest stars?
Sirius A (Alpha Canis Majoris)
What is the brightest star in the northern hemisphere?
Sirius. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky.
What is the bright planet in the southern sky?
What is the bright light in the southern sky? You’re looking at Jupiter, which the Hubble Space Telescope just snapped in a rainbow filter. The gas giant, shining at a magnitude of -2.4, is high in the southern sky right after dark as seen from the northern hemisphere, and it’s unmistakable.