What is the purpose of Kalki avatar?
Kalki is described in the Puranas as the avatar who rejuvenates existence by ending the darkest and destructive period to remove adharma and ushering in the Satya Yuga, while riding a white horse with a fiery sword. The description and details of Kalki are different among various Puranas.
What is Kalki the god of?
Kalkin, also called Kalki, final avatar (incarnation) of the Hindu god Vishnu, who is yet to appear. At the end of the present Kali yuga (age), when virtue and dharma have disappeared and the world is ruled by the unjust, Kalkin will appear to destroy the wicked and to usher in a new age.
Will Kalki be more powerful than Krishna?
Not really. In fact he will be more subtle; subtler than even Krishna or Buddha. Violence started from zero during Matsya and reached to its peak during Parashurama and again has been decreasing upto Buddha.
Does Kalki have a horse head?
Kalki avatar is not depicted with a face of a horse. For that matter, there are no temples which worship Kalki today. Kalki may be depicted in some relief panels in some temples. He is shown with a human face riding a horse.
How will Lord Kalki look like?
He’ll look like a king sent from heaven. Lord Kalki will simply go on killing all the non- religious people and the godless creatures. After the end of Kali-yuga, Satya Yuga, the golden age of truth and righteousness will commence.
In which year will kalyug end?
428,899 CE
According to Puranic sources, Krishna’s departure marks the end of Dvapara Yuga and the start of Kali Yuga, which is dated to 17/18 February 3102 BCE. Lasting for 432,000 years (1,200 divine years), Kali Yuga began 5,123 years ago and has 426,877 years left as of 2022 CE. Kali Yuga will end in the year 428,899 CE.
Who will be Kalki wife?
Lord Kalki will have two wives called Padma and Ramaa. Padma is the celestial Sri herself. Ramaa is Bhu devi the second wife of Lord Vishnu.