What is the rarest lilac?
Superba (Syringa pubescens subsp. It has a number of additional advantages, including more petite leaves; lush, rosy-pink flowers; a small rebloom in summer and fall; and better resistance to powdery mildew. This is the rare lilac that offers full season appeal.
Which is the most fragrant lilac?
The lilac usually considered the most fragrant is a Chinese native—S. pubescens. It has small, white flowers tinged with purple. The fragrance is sweet and spicy, very different from the traditional “lilac” scent.
What is the most fragrant dwarf lilac?
One of the most fragrant plants comes in this dwarf version: George’s Plant Pick of the Week
- Common name: Lilac ‘Red Pixie’
- Botanical name: Syringa x ‘Red Pixie’
- What it is: A dwarf hybrid lilac that blooms heavily for about three weeks, starting in mid to late May.
- Size: 5 to 6 feet tall and wide.
Is Syringa the same as lilac?
lilac, (genus Syringa), genus of about 25 species of fragrant and beautiful northern spring-flowering shrubs and small trees of the olive family (Oleaceae). Lilacs are native to eastern Europe and temperate Asia, and several are widely cultivated.
How tall does Syringa grow?
Syringa vulgaris (common lilac) a large deciduous shrub or small tree that produces highly fragrant flower clusters in April. Height to 12ft (3.6m) or more, spread to 10ft (3m). A wide range of single and double cultivars are available, in shades of lilac, mauve, red, pink and white.
How fast does Syringa vulgaris grow?
You can expect lilacs to put on around 30-60cm of growth a year. To extend the season of interest, you could try growing a late-flowering clematis through the larger cultivars.
Where is the best place to plant a lilac tree?
full sun
The ideal spot to plant lilacs is in an area with full sun (at least 6 to 8 hours per day)—give them too much shade and they may not bloom. Lilacs also like slightly alkaline, moist, well-drained soil.
Can I keep a lilac bush small?
Lilacs need regular renewal pruning to thin them out and control their size. That means removing a couple of older stems every few years, Bachtell said, as well as removing dead wood. Lilacs also tend to spread from suckers growing up from the root system, which may need to be removed.
Is Syringa an evergreen?
Syringa (Lilac) are deciduous shrubs or trees, grown for their delightfully fragrant flowers in late spring or early summer. Adored by hummingbirds, butterflies and humans, the colorful flowers are a must in bouquets at home.
How fast do Syringa vulgaris grow?
How long does it take a lilac bush to reach full height?
Most plants start blooming after three or four years but some may take as long as six or seven. The blooms for the first few years will be sparse but should increase with time.
How do you take care of Syringa vulgaris?
Grow in moist but well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil in full sun. Prune after flowering to prevent them getting leggy. Mulch annually in spring.