What is the saying if it smells like fish?
The idiom something smells fishy means that something is not on the up and up, something about a person or situation arouses suspicion.
What is the meaning of the idiom something fishy?
If you describe a situation as fishy, you feel that someone is not telling the truth or behaving completely honestly. [informal] There seems to be something fishy going on. Synonyms: suspicious, odd, suspect, unlikely More Synonyms of fishy.
Whats it mean when a girl smells like fish?
A strong fishy smell that won’t go away is worth seeing a health care provider about. Fishy smells are associated with a type of vaginitis called bacterial vaginosis.
Has an AXE to grind idiom meaning?
A selfish aim
A selfish aim or motive, as in The article criticized the new software, but the author had an ax to grind, as its manufacturer had fired his son. This frequently used idiom comes from a story by Charles Miner, published in 1811, about a boy who was flattered into turning the grindstone for a man sharpening his ax.
What does get down to brass tacks mean?
Definition of get down to brass tacks : to start to discuss or consider the most important details or facts about something We finally got down to brass tacks and decided to work out a schedule for the project.
What does a drop in a bucket mean?
A very small quantity
A very small quantity, especially one that is too small. For example, These contributions are just a drop in the bucket; the new church wing will cost thousands more.
What do you smell something fishy about his behaviour?
I smell something fishy about his behaviour. The meaning of ‘there’s something fishy’ is something of doubtful character or of some shady deal where the motives are suspected. The term ‘fishy’ is thought to have arisen from the notion “as slippery as a fish” or as an allusion to meat with a “fishy” taste, an indication that the meat is bad.
What does it mean when someone says there’s something fishy?
The meaning of ‘there’s something fishy’ is something of doubtful character or of some shady deal where the motives are suspected. The term ‘fishy’ is thought to have arisen from the notion “as slippery as a fish” or as an allusion to meat with a “fishy” taste, an indication that the meat is bad.
Where does the metaphor fish is good and fishy is bad come from?
Holland explained it explicitly ( Everyday Topics, 1876): “Fish is good, but fishy is always bad.” The metaphor turns up in James Payn’s Confidential Agent (1880): “His French is very fishy.” Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster’s page for free fun content .